GigaSpaces XAP.NET Documentation
Count Method (template)
Class LibraryGigaSpaces.CoreIReadOnlySpaceProxyCount(Object)
Count any matching object from the space, visible under the default transaction.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++J#
int Count(
	Object template
Function Count ( _
	template As Object _
) As Integer
int Count(
	Object^ template
int Count(
	Object template
template (Object)
The template/query used for matching.
Return Value
Number of matching entries.
UnusableEntryExceptionA serialized field of the object being read cannot be deserialized.
TransactionExceptionTransaction error occured.
InactiveSpaceExceptionThe space is in backup mode and therefore is not active.
SqlQueryExceptionThe query template is an illegal SqlQuery.

Assembly: GigaSpaces.Core (Module: GigaSpaces.Core) Version: (