GigaSpaces XAP.NET Documentation
GigaSpaces.XAP.Events Namespace
Class LibraryGigaSpaces.XAP.Events
Contains classes and types which simplify processing events from the space.
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namespace GigaSpaces.XAP.Events
Namespace GigaSpaces.XAP.Events
namespace GigaSpaces.XAP.Events
package GigaSpaces.XAP.Events
All TypesClassesStructuresInterfacesEnumerationsDelegates
BatchDataEventArgs<(Of <(TData>)>)
Batch Data Event arguments

BatchDataEventHandler<(Of <(T>)>)
BatchDataEventArrived subscription method.

Marks a method to be executed when a ContainerExceptionOccured occurs.

Container Exception event arguments.

DataEventArgs<(Of <(TData>)>)
Data Event arguments

DataEventHandler<(Of <(T>)>)
DataEventArrived subscription method.

Marks a method to be executed when a DataEventArrived occurs.

DelegateDataEventArrivedAdapter<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>)
Adapts a supplied delegate of type WriteBackDataEventHandler<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>) to DataEventHandler<(Of <(T>)>) which has a built in logic of writing back the results to space. Usage: Subsribe to the DataEventArrived event with the adapter: IEventListenerContainer.DataEventArrived += new DelegateDataEventArrivedAdapter(myDelegate).OnEvent;

Used by CreateContainer<(Of <(TData>)>)(ISpaceProxy, Object) operation to create an appropriate IEventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>) that will use the marked class for event listening.

EventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>)
Base class for event listener container that executes the event listening logic.

Used to create an IEventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>) from a listener instance marked by attributed.

Marks a field, property or method that returns the Template.

IEventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>)
Represents an event listener container

A generic IEventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>) service details.

A generic IEventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>) service monitors.

Thrown when an event listener container was configured inappropriatly.

Thrown when an invalid operation is executed on or by the event listener container

Marks an event driven class to be transactional

Specifies transacion type.

Marks a method to be executed when a UserExceptionOccured occures.

UserExceptionEventArgs<(Of <(TData>)>)
User Exception Event arguments.

WriteBackBatchDataEventHandler<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>)
Simple delegate that is used in conjuction with the DelegateDataEventArrivedAdapter<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>) that BatchDataEventArrived event listeners can implement for easier use and built in write back of results to the space.

WriteBackDataEventHandler<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>)
Simple delegate that is used in conjuction with the DelegateDataEventArrivedAdapter<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>) that DataEventArrived event listeners can implement for easier use and built in write back of results to the space.

WriteBackResultDataEventAdapter<(Of <(TData>)>)
Base class for adapters that adapts listener methods to DataEventHandler<(Of <(T>)>).