Contains classes and types which simplify processing events from the space.
Declaration Syntax
C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ | J# |
namespace GigaSpaces.XAP.Events
Namespace GigaSpaces.XAP.Events
namespace GigaSpaces.XAP.Events
package GigaSpaces.XAP.Events
All Types | Classes | Structures | Interfaces | Enumerations | Delegates |
Icon | Type | Description |
BatchDataEventArgs<(Of <(TData>)>) |
Batch Data Event arguments
| |
BatchDataEventHandler<(Of <(T>)>) |
BatchDataEventArrived subscription method.
| |
ContainerExceptionAttribute |
Marks a method to be executed when a ContainerExceptionOccured occurs.
| |
ContainerExceptionEventArgs |
Container Exception event arguments.
| |
DataEventArgs<(Of <(TData>)>) |
Data Event arguments
| |
DataEventHandler<(Of <(T>)>) |
DataEventArrived subscription method.
| |
DataEventHandlerAttribute |
Marks a method to be executed when a DataEventArrived occurs.
| |
DelegateDataEventArrivedAdapter<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>) |
Adapts a supplied delegate of type WriteBackDataEventHandler<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>) to DataEventHandler<(Of <(T>)>) which
has a built in logic of writing back the results to space.
Subsribe to the DataEventArrived event with the adapter:
IEventListenerContainer.DataEventArrived += new DelegateDataEventArrivedAdapter(myDelegate).OnEvent;
| |
EventDrivenAttribute |
Used by CreateContainer<(Of <(TData>)>)(ISpaceProxy, Object) operation to create an appropriate IEventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>) that will use
the marked class for event listening.
| |
EventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>) |
Base class for event listener container that executes the event listening logic.
| |
EventListenerContainerFactory |
Used to create an IEventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>) from a listener instance marked by attributed.
| |
EventTemplateAttribute |
Marks a field, property or method that returns the Template.
| |
IEventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>) |
Represents an event listener container
| |
IEventListenerContainerServiceDetails |
A generic IEventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>) service details.
| |
IEventListenerContainerServiceMonitors |
A generic IEventListenerContainer<(Of <(TData>)>) service monitors.
| |
InvalidEventListenerConfigurationException |
Thrown when an event listener container was configured inappropriatly.
| |
InvalidEventListenerOperationException |
Thrown when an invalid operation is executed on or by the event listener container
| |
TransactionalEventAttribute |
Marks an event driven class to be transactional
| |
TransactionType |
Specifies transacion type.
| |
UserExceptionAttribute |
Marks a method to be executed when a UserExceptionOccured occures.
| |
UserExceptionEventArgs<(Of <(TData>)>) |
User Exception Event arguments.
| |
WriteBackBatchDataEventHandler<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>) |
Simple delegate that is used in conjuction with the DelegateDataEventArrivedAdapter<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>) that
BatchDataEventArrived event listeners can implement for easier use and built in write back of
results to the space.
| |
WriteBackDataEventHandler<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>) |
Simple delegate that is used in conjuction with the DelegateDataEventArrivedAdapter<(Of <(TData, TResult>)>) that
DataEventArrived event listeners can implement for easier use and built in write back of
results to the space.
| |
WriteBackResultDataEventAdapter<(Of <(TData>)>) |
Base class for adapters that adapts listener methods to DataEventHandler<(Of <(T>)>).