Sets the given key and value in a dictionary property, this is equivallent to using the [] indexer of a dictionary.

C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ | J# |
public ChangeSet SetInDictionary( string path, Object key, Object value, StorageType storageType )
Public Function SetInDictionary ( _ path As String, _ key As Object, _ value As Object, _ storageType As StorageType _ ) As ChangeSet
public: ChangeSet^ SetInDictionary( String^ path, Object^ key, Object^ value, StorageType storageType )
public ChangeSet SetInDictionary( String path, Object key, Object value, StorageType storageType )

- path (String)
- The path pointing to the dictionary that the key and value should be put into.
- key (Object)
- The dictionary's key.
- value (Object)
- The value to associate with the given key.
- storageType (StorageType)
- The storage type in which to keep the value.

[Missing <returns> documentation for M:GigaSpaces.Core.ChangeSet.SetInDictionary(System.String,System.Object,System.Object,GigaSpaces.Core.Metadata.StorageType)]