GigaSpaces XAP.NET Documentation
SpaceProxyProviderFactory Class
Class LibraryGigaSpaces.CoreSpaceProxyProviderFactory
Base implementation of a space proxy provider, including static instance of default provider.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++J#
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use GigaSpacesFactory instead.")]
public class SpaceProxyProviderFactory : ISpaceProxyProviderFactory
<ObsoleteAttribute("Use GigaSpacesFactory instead.")> _
Public Class SpaceProxyProviderFactory _
	Implements ISpaceProxyProviderFactory
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Use GigaSpacesFactory instead.")]
public ref class SpaceProxyProviderFactory : ISpaceProxyProviderFactory
/** @attribute ObsoleteAttribute("Use GigaSpacesFactory instead.") */
public class SpaceProxyProviderFactory implements ISpaceProxyProviderFactory
All MembersMethodsProperties

Configuration Obsolete.
Gets the loaded GigaSpaces configuration.

CreateDistributedTransactionManager()()() Obsolete.
Creates a distributed transaction manager.

DefaultEventSessionConfig Obsolete.
Gets or sets the default EventSessionConfig assigned to created proxies.

DefaultIteratorBufferSize Obsolete.
Gets or sets the default buffer size assigned to created proxies.

DefaultLeaseTime Obsolete.
Gets or sets the default lease time assigned to created proxies.

DefaultMaxItems Obsolete.
Gets or sets the default max items assigned to created proxies.

DefaultTimeOut Obsolete.
Gets or sets the default timeout assigned to created proxies.

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
ExternalConfigFilePath Obsolete.
Gets and sets the path to a non default config file

Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
FindJiniTransactionManager()()() Obsolete.
Find a Jini transaction manager using the default lookup settings.

FindJiniTransactionManager(String, String, String, Int64, Dictionary<(Of <(String, String>)>)) Obsolete.
Find a Jini transaction manager using the specified lookup settings.

FindSpace(String) Obsolete.
Find the space specified by the url.

FindSpace(String, SpaceConfig) Obsolete.
Find the space specified by the cluster info and url.

FindSpace(String, SecurityContext) Obsolete.
Find the space specified by the url.

FindSpace(String, SpaceConfig, SecurityContext) Obsolete.
Find the space specified by the url.

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Instance Obsolete.
Gets the default space proxy provider.

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: GigaSpaces.Core (Module: GigaSpaces.Core) Version: (