GigaSpaces XAP.NET Documentation
TakeIfExistsById Method (type, id, routing, tx, timeout, modifiers)
Class LibraryGigaSpaces.CoreISpaceProxyTakeIfExistsById(Type, Object, Object, ITransaction, Int64, TakeModifiers)
Takes (removes) an entry of the specified type with the specified id from the space. Blocks up to the specified timeout (if any) only if a matching entry exists and it is necessary to wait for transactional state to settle.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++J#
Object TakeIfExistsById(
	Type type,
	Object id,
	Object routing,
	ITransaction tx,
	long timeout,
	TakeModifiers modifiers
Function TakeIfExistsById ( _
	type As Type, _
	id As Object, _
	routing As Object, _
	tx As ITransaction, _
	timeout As Long, _
	modifiers As TakeModifiers _
) As Object
Object^ TakeIfExistsById(
	Type^ type, 
	Object^ id, 
	Object^ routing, 
	ITransaction^ tx, 
	long long timeout, 
	TakeModifiers modifiers
Object TakeIfExistsById(
	Type type,
	Object id,
	Object routing,
	ITransaction tx,
	long timeout,
	TakeModifiers modifiers
type (Type)
Type of requested entry.
id (Object)
ID of requested entry.
routing (Object)
Value to select partition in clustered environment.
tx (ITransaction)
The transaction which this operation will participate in.
timeout (Int64)
The maximum time to wait for a transactionally proper matching object.
modifiers (TakeModifiers)
The modifier(s) to define behaviour of the operation.
Return Value
Result entry from space (null if not found).

Assembly: GigaSpaces.Core (Module: GigaSpaces.Core) Version: (