GigaSpaces XAP.NET Documentation
MaxInstancesPerVM Property
Class LibraryGigaSpaces.Core.Admin.ServiceGrid.ProcessingUnitIProcessingUnitMaxInstancesPerVM
Gets the number of instances of this processing unit that can run within a VM. In case of a partitioned with backup topology, it applies on a per partition level (meaning that a primary and backup will not run on the same VM). In case of a non backup based topology, it applies on the number of instances of the whole processing unit that can run on the same VM).
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++J#
int MaxInstancesPerVM { get; }
ReadOnly Property MaxInstancesPerVM As Integer
property int MaxInstancesPerVM {
	int get ();
/** @property */
int get_MaxInstancesPerVM()

Assembly: GigaSpaces.Core (Module: GigaSpaces.Core) Version: (15.5.0)