Package | Description |
com.gigaspaces.annotation.pojo |
Provides annotations to support POJO usage with GigaSpaces.
com.gigaspaces.internal.client.spaceproxy.metadata | |
com.gigaspaces.internal.metadata | |
com.gigaspaces.internal.server.metadata | |
com.gigaspaces.metadata |
Provides classes and interfaces encapsulating space entries metadata.
org.openspaces.core.config |
Support classes for Spring namespace based configuration of OpenSpaces core.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static FifoSupport |
FifoSupport.valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static FifoSupport[] |
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ITypeDesc |
TypeDescFactory.createPbsExplicitTypeDesc(EntryType entryType,
String className,
String[] superClassesNames,
PropertyInfo[] properties,
Map<String,SpaceIndex> indexes,
String idPropertyName,
boolean idAutoGenerate,
String routingPropertyName,
String fifoGroupingPropertyPath,
Set<String> fifoGroupingIndexPaths,
FifoSupport fifoMode,
boolean isReplicable,
boolean supportsOptimisticLocking,
boolean supportsDynamicProperties,
byte dynamicPropertiesStorageType,
String documentWrapperType,
boolean blobstoreEnabled) |
static ITypeDesc |
TypeDescFactory.createPbsTypeDesc(EntryType entryType,
String className,
String codeBase,
String[] superClassesNames,
String[] fieldsNames,
String[] fieldsTypes,
SpaceIndexType[] fieldsIndexes,
String idPropertyName,
boolean idAutoGenerate,
String routingPropertyName,
FifoSupport fifoMode,
boolean isReplicable,
boolean supportsOptimisticLocking,
boolean supportsDynamicProperties) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static FifoSupport |
PojoDefaults.FIFO_SUPPORT |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static FifoSupport |
FifoHelper.fromCode(byte code) |
static FifoSupport |
FifoHelper.fromOld(boolean isFifo)
This method is used to translate from 'Old' binary fifo to new tri-state fifo.
FifoSupport |
TypeDesc.getFifoSupport() |
FifoSupport |
SpaceTypeInfo.getFifoSupport() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static byte |
FifoHelper.toCode(FifoSupport fifoSupport) |
Constructor and Description |
TypeDesc(String typeName,
String codeBase,
String[] superTypesNames,
PropertyInfo[] properties,
boolean supportsDynamicProperties,
Map<String,SpaceIndex> indexes,
List<String> idPropertiesNames,
boolean idAutoGenerate,
String defaultPropertyName,
String routingPropertyName,
String fifoGroupingName,
Set<String> fifoGroupingIndexes,
boolean systemType,
FifoSupport fifoMode,
boolean replicable,
boolean supportsOptimisticLocking,
StorageType storageType,
EntryType entryType,
Class<? extends Object> objectClass,
Class<? extends ExternalEntry> externalEntryClass,
Class<? extends SpaceDocument> documentWrapperClass,
String dotnetDocumentWrapperType,
byte dotnetStorageType,
boolean blobstoreEnabled,
String sequenceNumberPropertyName,
TypeQueryExtensions queryExtensionsInfo,
Class<? extends ClassBinaryStorageAdapter> binaryStorageAdapter,
boolean broadcast,
TieredStorageTableConfig tieredStorageTableConfig) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FifoSupport |
InactiveTypeDesc.getFifoSupport() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FifoSupport |
Gets the type's FIFO support.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SpaceTypeDescriptorBuilder |
SpaceTypeDescriptorBuilder.fifoSupport(FifoSupport fifoSupport)
Sets this type FIFO support.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GigaSpaceDocumentTypeDescriptorFactoryBean.setFifoSupport(FifoSupport fifoSupport) |
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