GigaSpaces XAP 10.0.1 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference
com.sun.jini.collection Various collection classes used internally by code in com.sun.jini classes. 

Uses of WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference in com.sun.jini.collection

Classes in com.sun.jini.collection that implement WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference
static class WeakSoftTable.SoftValue
          A value that maintains a soft reference to an object.
static class WeakSoftTable.WeakKey
          A key that maintains a weak reference to an object which should be compared by object identity.

Methods in com.sun.jini.collection that return WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference
 WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference.copy(ReferenceQueue queue)
          Returns a copy of this instance registered with the specified queue.
 WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference WeakSoftTable.WeakKey.copy(ReferenceQueue queue)
 WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference WeakSoftTable.SoftValue.copy(ReferenceQueue queue)

GigaSpaces XAP 10.0.1 API

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