GigaSpaces XAP 10.0.1 API

Package org.openspaces.admin.pu.statistics

Interface Summary
TimeWindowStatisticsConfig Marks configurations that aggregate statistics from time samples.

Class Summary
AbstractTimeWindowStatisticsConfig Base class for statistics configurations that aggregate samples based on a specified time window
AverageInstancesStatisticsConfig Calculates the average of all cluster instances values.
AverageTimeWindowStatisticsConfigurer Fluent API for creating a new AverageTimeWindowStatisticsConfig object
CpuPercentageTimeWindowStatisticsConfig Calculates the cpu percentage by dividing the total CPU values by delta time passed in milliseconds.
CpuPercentageTimeWindowStatisticsConfigurer Fluent API for creating a new CpuPercentageTimeWindowStatisticsConfigurer object
EachSingleInstanceStatisticsConfig Denotes that a ProcessingUnitStatisticsId applies to all of the Processing Unit.
MaximumInstancesStatisticsConfig Picks the minimum of all cluster instances values.
MaximumTimeWindowStatisticsConfig Configurations that aggregate statistics from a time window by picking up the sample with the highest value.
MaximumTimeWindowStatisticsConfigurer Creates a new MaximumTimeWindowStatisticsConfig object
MinimumInstancesStatisticsConfig Picks the minimum of all cluster instances values.
MinimumTimeWindowStatisticsConfig Configurations that aggregate statistics from a time window by picking up the sample with the smallest value.
MinimumTimeWindowStatisticsConfigurer Creates a new MinimumTimeWindowStatisticsConfig object
PercentileInstancesStatisticsConfig Picks the Nth percentile of cluster instance values.
PercentileInstancesStatisticsConfigurer Fluent API for creating a new PercentileInstancesStatisticsConfig object
PercentileTimeWindowStatisticsConfig Picks the Nth percentile of time window instance values.
PercentileTimeWindowStatisticsConfigurer Fluent API for creating a new PercentileTimeWindowStatisticsConfig object
ProcessingUnitStatisticsId Identifies a processing unit statistics value, by specifying the monitoring source and the statistics functions applied to it.
ProcessingUnitStatisticsIdConfigurer Provides fluent API for creating a new ProcessingUnitStatisticsId object.
SingleInstanceStatisticsConfig Defines that statistics are not aggregated but for a specific instance.
SingleInstanceStatisticsConfigurer Fluent API for creating a new SingleInstanceStatisticsConfig object
ThroughputTimeWindowStatisticsConfig Calculates the throughput (requests per second)by taking total request count and dividing by time
ThroughputTimeWindowStatisticsConfigurer Fluent API for creating a new ThroughputTimeWindowStatisticsConfig object

GigaSpaces XAP 10.0.1 API

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