GigaSpaces XAP 10.0.1 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Space
org.openspaces.admin.pu Support for managing of Processing Unit(s) through the Admin API. Support for managing of Processing Unit events through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.samples Support for managing of Space(s) through the Admin API. Support for managing of Space events through the Admin API. 

Uses of Space in org.openspaces.admin.pu

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.pu that return Space
 Space ProcessingUnit.getSpace()
          Returns the (first) embedded space within a processing unit.
 Space[] ProcessingUnit.getSpaces()
          Returns all the embedded spaces within a processing unit.
 Space ProcessingUnit.waitForSpace()
          Waits till an embedded Space is correlated with the processing unit.
 Space ProcessingUnit.waitForSpace(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Waits till an embedded Space is correlated with the processing unit for the specified timeout.

Uses of Space in

Methods in that return Space
 Space ProcessingUnitSpaceCorrelatedEvent.getSpace()
          Returns the space that was correlated with the processing unit.

Constructors in with parameters of type Space
ProcessingUnitSpaceCorrelatedEvent(Space space, ProcessingUnit processingUnit)

Uses of Space in org.openspaces.admin.samples

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.samples with parameters of type Space
 void TestEventSampler.spaceAdded(Space space)
 void TestEventSampler.spaceRemoved(Space space)

Uses of Space in

Methods in that return Space
 Space SpaceInstance.getSpace()
          Returns the space this instance is part of.
 Space SpacePartition.getSpace()
          Returns the Space this Space Partition is part of.
 Space Spaces.getSpaceByName(String name)
          Returns a space based on its name.
 Space Spaces.getSpaceByUID(String uid)
          Returns a space based on its uid.
 Space[] Spaces.getSpaces()
          Returns all the currently discovered Spaces.
 Space Spaces.waitFor(String spaceName)
          Waits indefinitely till the provided Space name is discovered.
 Space Spaces.waitFor(String spaceName, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Waits for the given timeout (in time unit) till the space name is discovered.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Space
 Map<String,Space> Spaces.getNames()
          Returns a map of Spaces keyed by their names.

Uses of Space in

Methods in that return Space
 Space SpaceStatisticsChangedEvent.getSpace()
          Returns a the Space associated with the event.

Methods in with parameters of type Space
 void SpaceAddedEventListener.spaceAdded(Space space)
          A callback indicating that a Space was added.
 void SpaceRemovedEventListener.spaceRemoved(Space space)
          A callback indicating that a Space was removed.

Constructors in with parameters of type Space
SpaceStatisticsChangedEvent(Space space, SpaceStatistics statistics)

GigaSpaces XAP 10.0.1 API

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