ElasticAutoScalingFailureEvent |
An event that describes the failure to auto scale an Elastic PU.
ElasticAutoScalingFailureEventListener |
An event that provides indication of a failure to automatically scale an Elastic PUs
ElasticAutoScalingFailureEventManager |
ElasticAutoScalingProgressChangedEvent |
An event that notifies progress of Elastic PU auto scaling.
ElasticAutoScalingProgressChangedEventListener |
An event that provides state change notification for automatic scaling of Elastic PUs
ElasticAutoScalingProgressChangedEventManager |
ElasticProcessingUnitDecisionEvent |
ElasticProcessingUnitEvent |
ElasticProcessingUnitFailureEvent |
ElasticProcessingUnitInstanceProvisioningFailureEvent |
ElasticProcessingUnitInstanceProvisioningProgressChangedEvent |
ElasticProcessingUnitProgressChangedEvent |
An interface for ESM events that denote a processing unit deployment progress change
ElasticProcessingUnitScaleProgressChangedEvent |