Class and Description |
Enforces the MachinesSlaPolicy of all processing units by starting an enforcement endpoint for each PU.
Class and Description |
AbstractMachinesSlaPolicy |
CapacityMachinesSlaPolicy |
EagerMachinesSlaPolicy |
FailedGridServiceAgent |
FutureCleanupCloudResources |
FutureGridServiceAgent |
FutureStoppedMachine |
A service that on demand enforces the specified number of machines.
MachinesSlaEnforcementState |
MachinesSlaEnforcementState.RecoveryState |
MachinesSlaEnforcementState.StateKey |
RecoveringFailedGridServiceAgent |
Class and Description |
MachinesSlaEnforcementState |
Class and Description |
AbstractMachinesSlaPolicy |
FailedGridServiceAgent |
MachinesSlaEnforcementState |
Class and Description |
A service that on demand enforces the specified number of machines.
MachinesSlaEnforcementEndpointAware |
MachinesSlaEnforcementState.RecoveryState |
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