Class SQLQuery<T>

  extended by com.j_spaces.core.client.SQLQuery<T>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Query<T>, Serializable, Entry
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SQLQuery<T>
extends Object
implements Query<T>

The SQLQuery class is used to query the space using the SQL syntax. The query statement should only include the WHERE clause.

Supported JavaSpace operations
read/take/readMultiple/takeMultiple (with JavaSpace.NO_WAIT timeout)

UnSupported JavaSpace operations
Notify/readIfExists/takeIfExists and read/take/readMultiple/takeMultiple (with longer timeouts than JSpace.NO_WAIT)

Date and Time Formats
The following Date/TimeStamp Format is supported: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' - i.e. '2004-12-20 20:40:10'
The following Time Format is supported: 'hh:mm:ss' - i.e. '20:40:10'

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String CALL
static String COUNT_PREFIX
static String DELETE_PREFIX
static String GROUP
static String ORDER
static String SELECT_PREFIX
Constructor Summary
          Empty constructor.
SQLQuery(Class<T> clazz, String sqlQuery)
          Constructor for setting the className of the entry to query with the sql query expression.
SQLQuery(Class<T> clazz, String sqlQuery, Object... parameters)
          Constructor for setting the class of the entry to query with the sql query expression.
SQLQuery(Entry entry, String sqlQuery)
          Constructor for setting the entry as a template to query with the sql query expression.
SQLQuery(String className, String sqlQuery)
          Constructor for setting the class of the entry to query with the sql query expression.
SQLQuery(String className, String sqlQuery, Object... parameters)
          Constructor for setting the class of the entry to query with the sql query expression.
SQLQuery(T object, String sqlQuery)
          Constructor for setting the object as a template to query with the sql query expression.
SQLQuery(T object, String sqlQuery, Object... parameters)
          Constructor for setting the object as a template to query with the sql query expression.
Method Summary
 String getClassName()
          Extract the Entry class name for the current query.
 Entry getEntry()
          Extract the Entry for the current query.
 String getFromQuery()
          Returns a string representation of this SQLQuery, in the form of: FROM table name WHERE query expression
 T getObject()
          Extract the POJO for the current query.
 Object[] getParameters()
 String getQuery()
          Returns the 'WHERE' part of this SQL Query.
 String getSelectAllQuery()
          Returns a string representation of this SQLQuery, in the form of: SELECT * FROM table name WHERE query expression
 String getSelectCountQuery()
          Returns a string representation of this SQLQuery, in the form of: SELECT count(*) FROM table name WHERE query expression
 boolean hasParameters()
 boolean hasWhereClause()
          Returns true if the query has a where clause.
 boolean isExternalEntry()
 boolean isNullExpression()
          This method should be used for check expression string.
 boolean isStoredProcedure()
          Returns true if this query is a stored procedure
 void setClassName(String className)
          This method should be used for new Entry classes introduced to the space.
 void setExternalEntry(boolean isExternalEntry)
 void setParameter(int index, Object value)
          Set the query parameter value.
 void setParameters(Object... parameters)
 void setQuery(String wherePart)
          Sets the query statement.
 void setTemplate(Entry entry)
          Sets a new entry template.
 void setTemplate(T object)
          Sets a new entry template.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this SQLQuery, in the form of: SELECT * FROM table name WHERE query expression
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String SELECT_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DELETE_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String COUNT_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CALL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String GROUP
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String ORDER
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SQLQuery()
Empty constructor.


public SQLQuery(String className,
                String sqlQuery)
Constructor for setting the class of the entry to query with the sql query expression.

clazz - - Entry class to be queried.
sqlQuery - - The SQL Query expression (contents of the WHERE part).


public SQLQuery(String className,
                String sqlQuery,
                Object... parameters)
Constructor for setting the class of the entry to query with the sql query expression.

clazz - - Entry class to be queried.
sqlQuery - - The SQL Query expression (contents of the WHERE part).
parameters - - Parameters for the sql query


public SQLQuery(Class<T> clazz,
                String sqlQuery,
                Object... parameters)
Constructor for setting the class of the entry to query with the sql query expression.

clazz - - Entry class to be queried.
sqlQuery - - The SQL Query expression (contents of the WHERE part).
parameters - - Parameters for the sql query


public SQLQuery(Class<T> clazz,
                String sqlQuery)
Constructor for setting the className of the entry to query with the sql query expression.

clazz - - Entry class to be queried.
sqlQuery - - The SQL Query expression (contents of the WHERE part).

Usage example:

 SQLQuery query = new SQLQuery(MyEntry.class, "m_integer > 50");
 Entry result[] = space.readMultiple(query, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
 System.out.println("Found " + result.length + " Entries");
 for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
     System.out.println(i + " " + (MyEntry) result[i]);

Note that a single read/take operation will return only the first match, if any.


public SQLQuery(T object,
                String sqlQuery,
                Object... parameters)
Constructor for setting the object as a template to query with the sql query expression. The constructor behaves in a similar manner to the former, but incase of an ExternalEntry its class name is extracted implicitly.

object - - The POJO to query by
sqlQuery - - The SQL Query expression (contents of the WHERE part).
parameters - - Parameters for the sql query

Usage Example:

  // The following query returns all the objects that have m_integer between 50 and 100
 SQLQuery query = new SQLQuery(MyPojo(), "m_integer > ? and m_integer < ?",50,100);
 MyPojo result = (MyPojo), null, JavaSpace.NO_WAIT);
 if (result!=null)
     // if there are more then one, it will return the first entry found
     System.out.println("Found object: " + result.toString());
     System.out.println("None of the objects  match the specified query: "+query);
See Also:
SQLQuery(String className, String sqlQuery)


public SQLQuery(T object,
                String sqlQuery)
Constructor for setting the object as a template to query with the sql query expression. The constructor behaves in a similar manner to the former, but incase of an ExternalEntry its class name is extracted implicitly.

object - - The POJO to query by
sqlQuery - - The SQL Query expression (contents of the WHERE part).

Usage Example:

 SQLQuery query = new SQLQuery(MyPojo(), "m_integer > 50");
 MyPojo result = (MyPojo), null, JavaSpace.NO_WAIT);
 if (result!=null)
     // if there are more then one, it will return the first entry found
     System.out.println("Found object: " + result.toString());
     System.out.println("None of the objects  match the specified query: "+query);
See Also:
SQLQuery(String className, String sqlQuery)


public SQLQuery(Entry entry,
                String sqlQuery)
Constructor for setting the entry as a template to query with the sql query expression. The constructor behaves in a similar manner to the former, but incase of an ExternalEntry its class name is extracted implicitly.

entry - - The entry to query by
sqlQuery - - The SQL Query expression (contents of the WHERE part).

Usage Example:

 //let MyEntry extend ExternalEntry
 SQLQuery query = new SQLQuery(MyEntry(), "m_integer > 50");
 MyEntry result = (MyEntry), null, JavaSpace.NO_WAIT);
 if (result!=null)
     // if there are more then one, it will return the first entry found
     System.out.println("Found entry: " + result.toString());
     System.out.println("None of the entries match the specified query: "+query);
See Also:
SQLQuery(String className, String sqlQuery)
Method Detail


public boolean isNullExpression()
This method should be used for check expression string.

true if expression is null or empty


public boolean isExternalEntry()


public Entry getEntry()
Extract the Entry for the current query.

Returns the Entry or null value if this sql query represent POJO.


public T getObject()
Extract the POJO for the current query.

Returns the POJO or null value if this sql query represent Entry object.


public String getClassName()
Extract the Entry class name for the current query.

Returns the Entry class Name.


public void setClassName(String className)
This method should be used for new Entry classes introduced to the space. For usage example, see setQuery method.

Specified by:
setClassName in interface Query<T>
className - The Entry class name to be set.


public void setQuery(String wherePart)
Sets the query statement. This should be the content of the SQL WHERE clause (without the WHERE identifier).

Specified by:
setQuery in interface Query<T>
wherePart - - The where contents of the query

Usage Example:

 // let EmployeeEntry and AccountEntry be instances of ExternalEntry

 SQLQuery query = new SQLQuery(EmployeeEntry.class.getName(), "m_employeeId"+employeeId);
 EmployeeEntry employee = (EmployeeEntry),null,JavaSpace.NO_WAIT);
 if (employee==null) throw new EmployeeNotFoundException("Employee "+employeeId+" not found");
 query.setQuery("m_accountNo ="+ employee.accNo);
 AccountEntry account = (AccountEntry)space.take(query,null,JavaSpace.NO_WAIT);


public void setTemplate(Entry entry)
Sets a new entry template. Extracts the class name from the entry to be used in a subsequent query.

entry - - The Entry or an ExternalEntry

Usage Example:

 SQLQuery query = new SQLQuery(new Entry(),null);
 query.setTemplate(new MyDateEntry());
 query.setQuery("m_date <"+ new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
 Entry[] results = space.takeMultiple(query, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
 System.out.println("Found " + result.length + " Entries");
 for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
    System.out.println(i + " " + (MyEntry) result[i]);


public void setTemplate(T object)
Sets a new entry template. Extracts the class name from the entry to be used in a subsequent query.

object - - The POJO

Usage Example:

 SQLQuery query = new SQLQuery(new POJO(),null);
 query.setTemplate(new POJO());
 query.setQuery("m_date <"+ new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
 Object[] results = space.takeMultiple(query, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
 System.out.println("Found " + result.length + " Entries");
 for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
    System.out.println(i + " " + (MyEntry) result[i]);


public String getQuery()
Returns the 'WHERE' part of this SQL Query.

'WHERE' part expression.


public String getFromQuery()
Returns a string representation of this SQLQuery, in the form of:

FROM table name WHERE query expression

the string representation of the query


public String getSelectAllQuery()
Returns a string representation of this SQLQuery, in the form of:

SELECT * FROM table name WHERE query expression

a string representation of the object.


public String getSelectCountQuery()
Returns a string representation of this SQLQuery, in the form of:

SELECT count(*) FROM table name WHERE query expression

a string representation of the object.


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this SQLQuery, in the form of:

SELECT * FROM table name WHERE query expression

toString in class Object
a string representation of the object.


public void setExternalEntry(boolean isExternalEntry)


public boolean isStoredProcedure()
Returns true if this query is a stored procedure



public boolean hasWhereClause()
Returns true if the query has a where clause. Used in partial SQLQuery



public Object[] getParameters()
the parameters


public boolean hasParameters()
true if the SQLQuery has parameters


public void setParameters(Object... parameters)
parameters - the parameters to set


public void setParameter(int index,
                         Object value)
Set the query parameter value.

index - parameter index - start with 1
value - parameter value