GigaSpaces XAP 7.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProcessingUnit
org.openspaces.admin.gsm Support for managing of Grid Service Manager(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.pu Support for managing of Processing Unit(s) through the Admin API. Support for managing of Processing Unit events through the Admin API. 

Uses of ProcessingUnit in org.openspaces.admin.gsm

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.gsm that return ProcessingUnit
 ProcessingUnit GridServiceManagers.deploy(ProcessingUnitDeployment deployment)
          Deploys a processing unit based on the processing unit deployment information on a random grid service manager (it will act as the primary GSM for the deployed processing unit).
 ProcessingUnit GridServiceManager.deploy(ProcessingUnitDeployment deployment)
          Deploys a processing unit based on the processing unit deployment information on the given grid service manager (it will act as the primary GSM for the deployed processing unit).
 ProcessingUnit GridServiceManagers.deploy(ProcessingUnitDeployment deployment, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Deploys a processing unit based on the processing unit deployment information on a random grid service manager (it will act as the primary GSM for the deployed processing unit).
 ProcessingUnit GridServiceManager.deploy(ProcessingUnitDeployment deployment, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Deploys a processing unit based on the processing unit deployment information on the given grid service manager (it will act as the primary GSM for the deployed processing unit).
 ProcessingUnit GridServiceManagers.deploy(SpaceDeployment deployment)
          Deploys a space based on the space deployment information on a random grid service manager (it will act as the primary GSM for the deployed processing unit).
 ProcessingUnit GridServiceManager.deploy(SpaceDeployment deployment)
          Deploys a space based on the space deployment information on the given grid service manager (it will act as the primary GSM for the deployed processing unit).
 ProcessingUnit GridServiceManagers.deploy(SpaceDeployment deployment, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Deploys a space based on the space deployment information on a random grid service manager (it will act as the primary GSM for the deployed processing unit).
 ProcessingUnit GridServiceManager.deploy(SpaceDeployment deployment, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Deploys a space based on the space deployment information on the given grid service manager (it will act as the primary GSM for the deployed processing unit).

Uses of ProcessingUnit in org.openspaces.admin.pu

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.pu that return ProcessingUnit
 ProcessingUnit ProcessingUnitPartition.getProcessingUnit()
          Returns the processing unit this partition is part of.
 ProcessingUnit ProcessingUnitInstance.getProcessingUnit()
          Returns the processing unit this processing unit instance belongs to.
 ProcessingUnit ProcessingUnits.getProcessingUnit(String name)
          Returns the ProcessingUnit for the given processing unit name.
 ProcessingUnit[] ProcessingUnits.getProcessingUnits()
          Returns the ProcessingUnits currently deployed.
 ProcessingUnit ProcessingUnits.waitFor(String processingUnitName)
          Waits indefinitely till the processing unit is identified as deployed.
 ProcessingUnit ProcessingUnits.waitFor(String processingUnitName, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Waits for the specified timeout (in time interval) till the processing unit is identified as deployed.

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.pu that return types with arguments of type ProcessingUnit
 Map<String,ProcessingUnit> ProcessingUnits.getNames()
          Returns a map of ProcessingUnit keyed by their respective names.

Uses of ProcessingUnit in

Methods in that return ProcessingUnit
 ProcessingUnit ProcessingUnitStatusChangedEvent.getProcessingUnit()
          Returns the Processing Unit that the deployment status changed for.
 ProcessingUnit ManagingGridServiceManagerChangedEvent.getProcessingUnit()
          Returns the processing unit the managing GSM was changed for.
 ProcessingUnit BackupGridServiceManagerChangedEvent.getProcessingUnit()
          Returns the Processing Unit that the backup GSM event occurred on.
 ProcessingUnit ProcessingUnitSpaceCorrelatedEvent.getProcessingUnit()
          Returns the Processing Unit the space was correlated with.

Methods in with parameters of type ProcessingUnit
 void ProcessingUnitAddedEventListener.processingUnitAdded(ProcessingUnit processingUnit)
          A callback inidicating that a Processing Unit was added (deployed/discovered).
 void ProcessingUnitRemovedEventListener.processingUnitRemoved(ProcessingUnit processingUnit)
          A callback indicating that a Processing Unit was removed (undeployed).

Constructors in with parameters of type ProcessingUnit
BackupGridServiceManagerChangedEvent(ProcessingUnit processingUnit, BackupGridServiceManagerChangedEvent.Type type, GridServiceManager gridServiceManager)
ManagingGridServiceManagerChangedEvent(ProcessingUnit processingUnit, GridServiceManager newGridServiceManager, GridServiceManager previousGridServiceManager)
ProcessingUnitSpaceCorrelatedEvent(Space space, ProcessingUnit processingUnit)
ProcessingUnitStatusChangedEvent(ProcessingUnit processingUnit, DeploymentStatus previousStatus, DeploymentStatus newStatus)

Uses of ProcessingUnit in org.openspaces.admin.samples

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.samples with parameters of type ProcessingUnit
 void TestEventSampler.processingUnitAdded(ProcessingUnit processingUnit)
 void TestEventSampler.processingUnitRemoved(ProcessingUnit processingUnit)

GigaSpaces XAP 7.0 API

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