GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface MirrorOperationStatistics

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
MirrorOperations, MirrorStatistics

public interface MirrorOperationStatistics
extends IReplicationInOperation

Represents specific mirror operation statistics. In a cluster that is active the numbers should be used as an estimation only, since statistics gathering is concurrent. In a cluster that doesn't have any activity the numbers are accurate. The statistics should comply to the following formula : operationCount = successfulCount + failedCount + discardedCount + inProgressCount.


Method Summary
 long getDiscardedOperationCount()
          Returns the count of operations that were discarded by the mirror.
 long getFailedOperationCount()
          Returns the count of operations that failed on the mirror
 long getInProgressOperationCount()
          Returns the count of operations that are currently in progress on the mirror
 long getOperationCount()
          Returns the total count of operations that were executed on the mirror
 long getSuccessfulOperationCount()
          Returns the count of operations that were successfully executed on the mirror

Method Detail


long getOperationCount()
Returns the total count of operations that were executed on the mirror

Specified by:
getOperationCount in interface IReplicationInOperation


long getSuccessfulOperationCount()
Returns the count of operations that were successfully executed on the mirror

Specified by:
getSuccessfulOperationCount in interface IReplicationInOperation


long getFailedOperationCount()
Returns the count of operations that failed on the mirror

Specified by:
getFailedOperationCount in interface IReplicationInOperation


long getDiscardedOperationCount()
Returns the count of operations that were discarded by the mirror. This applies to transient objects.

Specified by:
getDiscardedOperationCount in interface IReplicationInOperation


long getInProgressOperationCount()
Returns the count of operations that are currently in progress on the mirror

Specified by:
getInProgressOperationCount in interface IReplicationInOperation

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.