GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class RollingFileHandlerConfigurer

  extended by com.gigaspaces.logger.RollingFileHandlerConfigurer

public class RollingFileHandlerConfigurer
extends Object

A configurer for known properties which their generated values can be overridden.

Implementations that extend RollingFileHandler may wish to extend the call to RollingFileHandler.configure() and provide calls to these static setters with user generated values.

For example, setting the Process ID to some platform dependent implementation.

Moran Avigdor

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void setDateProperty(String date, boolean override)
          Sets the RollingFileHandler.DATE_PROP property value.
static void setHomedirProperty(String homedir, boolean override)
          Sets the RollingFileHandler.HOMEDIR_PROP property value.
static void setHostProperty(String host, boolean override)
          Sets the RollingFileHandler.HOST_PROP property value.
static void setPidProperty(String pid, boolean override)
          Sets the RollingFileHandler.PID_PROP property value.
static void setServiceProperty(String service, boolean override)
          Sets the RollingFileHandler.SERVICE_PROP property value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RollingFileHandlerConfigurer()
Method Detail


public static void setHomedirProperty(String homedir,
                                      boolean override)
Sets the RollingFileHandler.HOMEDIR_PROP property value.

homedir - The home directory of this logger
override - If true will override any setting of this property; If false will not override if setting already exists for this property.


public static void setHostProperty(String host,
                                   boolean override)
Sets the RollingFileHandler.HOST_PROP property value.

host - The host of this VM.
override - If true will override any setting of this property; If false will not override if setting already exists for this property.


public static void setPidProperty(String pid,
                                  boolean override)
Sets the RollingFileHandler.PID_PROP property value.

pid - The Process ID, usually an integer.


public static void setServiceProperty(String service,
                                      boolean override)
Sets the RollingFileHandler.SERVICE_PROP property value.

service - The name of the service, e.g. GSM, GSC, GSA, Space.
override - If true will override any setting of this property; If false will not override if setting already exists for this property.


public static void setDateProperty(String date,
                                   boolean override)
Sets the RollingFileHandler.DATE_PROP property value.

date - The date to be used instead of todays' date.
override - If true will override any setting of this property; If false will not override if setting already exists for this property.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.