GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryResultType
com.gigaspaces.query Provides classes and interfaces to execute queries on space entries. 
com.j_spaces.core.client Provides GigaSpaces client interface services 
com.j_spaces.core.client.view GigaSpace client view files. 

Uses of QueryResultType in com.gigaspaces.query

Methods in com.gigaspaces.query that return QueryResultType
 QueryResultType IdQuery.getQueryResultType()
          Returns the type of result.
 QueryResultType IdsQuery.getQueryResultType()
          Returns the type of result.
static QueryResultType QueryResultType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static QueryResultType[] QueryResultType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Constructors in com.gigaspaces.query with parameters of type QueryResultType
IdQuery(Class<T> type, Object id, Object routing, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates an IdQuery using the specified type, id, routing and query result type.
IdQuery(Class<T> type, Object id, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates an IdQuery using the specified type, id and query result type.
IdQuery(String typeName, Object id, Object routing, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates an IdQuery using the specified type, id, routing and query result type.
IdQuery(String typeName, Object id, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates an IdQuery using the specified type, id and query result type.
IdsQuery(Class<T> type, Object[] ids, Object[] routings, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates an IdsQuery using the specified type, IDs, routing per id and query result type.
IdsQuery(Class<T> type, Object[] ids, Object routing, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates an IdsQuery using the specified type, IDs, routing and query result type.
IdsQuery(Class<T> type, Object[] ids, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates an IdsQuery using the specified type, IDs and query result type.
IdsQuery(String typeName, Object[] ids, Object[] routings, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates an IdsQuery using the specified type, IDs, routing per id and query result type.
IdsQuery(String typeName, Object[] ids, Object routing, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates an IdsQuery using the specified type, IDs, routing and query result type.
IdsQuery(String typeName, Object[] ids, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates an IdsQuery using the specified type, IDs and query result type.

Uses of QueryResultType in com.j_spaces.core.client

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client that return QueryResultType
 QueryResultType SQLQuery.getQueryResultType()
          Returns the result type of this query.

Constructors in com.j_spaces.core.client with parameters of type QueryResultType
ContinousQuery(Class<T> type, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Deprecated. Creates a ContinousQuery using the specified type, expression and result type.
ContinousQuery(Class<T> type, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType, Object... parameters)
          Deprecated. Creates a ContinousQuery using the specified type, expression, result type and parameters.
ContinousQuery(String typeName, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Deprecated. Creates a ContinousQuery using the specified type, expression and result type.
ContinousQuery(String typeName, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType, Object... parameters)
          Deprecated. Creates a ContinousQuery using the specified type, expression, result type and parameters.
SQLQuery(Class<T> type, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates a SQLQuery using the specified type, expression and result type.
SQLQuery(Class<T> type, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType, Object... parameters)
          Creates a SQLQuery using the specified type, expression, result type and parameters.
SQLQuery(String typeName, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Creates a SQLQuery using the specified type, expression and result type.
SQLQuery(String typeName, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType, Object... parameters)
          Creates a SQLQuery using the specified type, expression, result type and parameters.

Uses of QueryResultType in com.j_spaces.core.client.view

Constructors in com.j_spaces.core.client.view with parameters of type QueryResultType
View(Class<T> type, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Deprecated. Creates a View using the specified type, expression and result type.
View(Class<T> type, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType, Object... parameters)
          Deprecated. Creates a View using the specified type, expression, result type and parameters.
View(String typeName, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType)
          Deprecated. Creates a View using the specified type, expression and result type.
View(String typeName, String sqlExpression, QueryResultType queryResultType, Object... parameters)
          Deprecated. Creates a View using the specified type, expression, result type and parameters.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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