GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use EncodingException Security Encoding The Encoding mechanism is separated into two - password encoding and content encoding. 

Uses of EncodingException in

Methods in that throw EncodingException
 Object ContentEncoder.decode(byte[] bytes)
          Decode the byte array returning a decrypted object.
 byte[] ContentEncoder.encode(Object obj)
          Encode the object returning an encrypted byte array.
 String PasswordEncoder.encodePassword(String rawPass)
          Encodes the specified raw password with an implementation specific algorithm.
static SecretKey KeyFactory.generateKey(byte[] key, String algorithm)
          Generate a key based on a secret key from the given byte array.
static SecretKey KeyFactory.generateKey(String algorithm)
          Generate a 128 bit key using the key generator of the algorithm provided.
static SecretKey KeyFactory.generateKey(String key, String algorithm)
          Generate a key based on the provided secret.
 boolean PasswordEncoder.isPasswordValid(String encPass, String rawPass)
          Validates a specified "raw" password against an encoded password.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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