GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API


Security GigaSpaces security is used to secure numerous demanding environments at different levels of security.


Interface Summary
Authority Interface for all authorities that may be granted to a user.
SecurityManager Interface for authentication and creating of the directory manager.

Class Summary
Authentication Represents an authenticated request, returned on successful call to SecurityManager.authenticate(UserDetails).
AuthorityFactory A factory for creating an Authority instance back from its String representation returned by Authority.getAuthority()
SecurityFactory A factory for creating an SecurityManager and locating of security properties file by name.

Exception Summary
AccessDeniedException Thrown if an operation is performed without a required authority.
AuthenticationException Thrown if an authentication is invalid.
SecurityException Base class for all security related exceptions.

Package Description


GigaSpaces security is used to secure numerous demanding environments at different levels of security. GigaSpaces provides a default security implementation with some handy extension points.

Custom Extensions


The default GigaSpaces security implementation uses MD5 as the default algorithm to encrypt passwords (see PasswordEncoder), and AES as the default algorithm to encrypt contents stored in a file (see ContentEncoder).


The default GigaSpaces security implementation stores the users and roles in a local file-system. The FileService interface defines the file access mechanism; The default implementation is the LocalFileService. It can be replaced by URLFileService to read the file contents from an HTTP Server.

Custom Security

The main security interface is SecurityManager which is responsible for authentication and creating of the DirectoryManager. These are the two interfaces of interest when implementing your own custom security.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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