GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class UpdateModifiers

  extended by com.j_spaces.core.client.UpdateModifiers

public class UpdateModifiers
extends Object

The Modifier class provides static methods and constants to decode update types modifiers. The sets of modifiers are represented as integers with distinct bit positions representing different modifiers.

Yechiel Fefer, Igor Goldenberg

Field Summary
static int NO_RETURN_VALUE
          If set, the write or update operations will return null instead of the lease object (write) or previous value (update).
          The int value representing the PARTIAL_UPDATE modifier.
static int UPDATE_ONLY
          The int value representing the UPDATE_OR_ONLY modifier.
static int UPDATE_OR_WRITE
          The int value representing the UPDATE_OR_WRITE modifier.
static int WRITE_ONLY
          The int value representing the WRITE_ONLY modifier.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean isNoReturnValue(int mod)
          Return true if the integer argument includes the NO_RETURN_VALUE modifier, false otherwise.
static boolean isPartialUpdate(int mod)
          Return true if the integer argument includes the PARTIAL_UPDATE modifier, false otherwise.
static boolean isUpdate(int mod)
          Return true if the integer argument includes the UPDATE_ONLY modifier or PARTIAL_UPDATE modifier or UPDATE_OR_WRITE modifier, false otherwise.
static boolean isUpdateOnly(int mod)
          Return true if the integer argument includes the UPDATE_ONLY modifier, false otherwise.
static boolean isUpdateOrWrite(int mod)
          Return true if the integer argument includes the UPDATE_OR_WRITE modifier, false otherwise.
static boolean isWriteOnly(int mod)
          Return true if the integer argument includes the WRITE_ONLY modifier, false otherwise.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int WRITE_ONLY
The int value representing the WRITE_ONLY modifier. When set: the entry to be written must not reside in the space, no new entry will be written otherwise and an EntryAlreadyInSpaceException will be thrown. Notice: can't be used in together with UPDATE_OR_WRITE or UPDATE_ONLY.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UPDATE_ONLY
The int value representing the UPDATE_OR_ONLY modifier. When set alone: the entry to be updated must be reside in the space, no new entry will be written otherwise and an EntryNotInSpaceException will be thrown.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UPDATE_OR_WRITE
The int value representing the UPDATE_OR_WRITE modifier. When set: if the entry to be updated does not reside in the space, a new entry is written

Notice: can't be used in together with PARTIAL_UPDATE

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PARTIAL_UPDATE
The int value representing the PARTIAL_UPDATE modifier. If set, null values in the updated entry are treated as "leave as it is"

Notice: can't be used in together with UPDATE_OR_WRITE or WRITE_ONLY.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NO_RETURN_VALUE
If set, the write or update operations will return null instead of the lease object (write) or previous value (update). Using this option will improve application write operation performance - null return value yields less network traffic and less memory consumption. Note: This modifier does not replace ONE_WAY modifier

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public UpdateModifiers()
Method Detail


public static boolean isUpdateOrWrite(int mod)
Return true if the integer argument includes the UPDATE_OR_WRITE modifier, false otherwise.

mod - a set of modifiers
true if mod includes the public modifier; false otherwise.


public static boolean isPartialUpdate(int mod)
Return true if the integer argument includes the PARTIAL_UPDATE modifier, false otherwise.

mod - a set of modifiers
true if mod includes the PARTIAL_UPDATE modifier; false otherwise.


public static boolean isUpdateOnly(int mod)
Return true if the integer argument includes the UPDATE_ONLY modifier, false otherwise.

mod - a set of modifiers
true if mod includes the UPDATE_ONLY modifier; false otherwise.


public static boolean isUpdate(int mod)
Return true if the integer argument includes the UPDATE_ONLY modifier or PARTIAL_UPDATE modifier or UPDATE_OR_WRITE modifier, false otherwise.

mod - a set of modifiers
true if mod includes the UPDATE_ONLY modifier or PARTIAL_UPDATE modifier or UPDATE_OR_WRITE modifier; false otherwise.


public static boolean isWriteOnly(int mod)
Return true if the integer argument includes the WRITE_ONLY modifier, false otherwise.

mod - a set of modifiers
true if mod includes the WRITE_ONLY modifier; false otherwise.


public static boolean isNoReturnValue(int mod)
Return true if the integer argument includes the NO_RETURN_VALUE modifier, false otherwise.

mod - a set of modifiers
true if mod includes the NO_RETURN_VALUE modifier; false otherwise.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.