GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Package com.j_spaces.core.exception

Defines a common exceptions used in core.


Exception Summary
ClosedResourceException ClosedResourceException is thrown when operation is performed while space is closing its resources.
ClusterConfigurationException This exception is thrown in case of cluster configuration issues.
InvalidServiceNameException This exception is thrown in case of invalid space name.
SpaceAlreadyStartedException Copyright (c) 2010 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd.
SpaceAlreadyStoppedException This exception is thrown in case where there is an attempt to stop already stopped space.
SpaceCleanedException This exception is thrown in case where there is an attempt to perform another space operation such as write, read or take while "clean" is still in progress.
SpaceConfigurationException This exception is thrown in case of space configuration issues.
SpaceStoppedException This exception is thrown in case when an attempt to perform any operations on stopped space.
SpaceUnavailableException This exception is thrown in case when space is unavailable.
StatisticsNotAvailable This exception is thrown in case when space statistics are not available.

Package com.j_spaces.core.exception Description

Defines a common exceptions used in core.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.