GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface DestroyAdmin

All Known Subinterfaces:
MultiLogManagerAdmin, Registrar, TxnManager
All Known Implementing Classes:
GigaRegistrar, MockLogManager, MultiLogManager, TxnManagerImpl

public interface DestroyAdmin

Admin interface for destroying a service. Administrable services are encouraged to have their admin object implement this interface.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
See Also:

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Destroy the service, if possible, including its persistent storage.

Method Detail


void destroy()
             throws RemoteException
Destroy the service, if possible, including its persistent storage. This method should (in effect) spawn a separate thread to do the actual work asynchronously, and make a reasonable attempt to let this remote call return successfully. As such, a successful return from this method does not mean that the service has been destroyed. Although the service should make a reasonable attempt to let this remote call return successfully, the service must not wait indefinitely for other (in-progress and subsequent) remote calls to finish before proceeding to destroy itself. Once this method has been called, the service can, but need not, reject all other (in-progress and subsequent) remote calls to the service.


GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.