GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class WeakKeyReference

  extended by java.lang.ref.Reference<T>
      extended by java.lang.ref.WeakReference
          extended by com.sun.jini.collection.WeakKeyReference

public class WeakKeyReference
extends WeakReference

A weak reference to a key in a table. Its hash code is that of its key at the time of the reference's creation. Its equals method will compare itself to another WeakKeyReference, or to another object that is then compared to the key held by this reference.

This class is public so that it can be used in other tables for which WeakTable won't work.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Constructor Summary
WeakKeyReference(Object key)
          Create a new WeakReference to the given key.
WeakKeyReference(Object key, ReferenceQueue refQueue)
          Create a new WeakReference to the given key, placing the cleared reference on the specified ReferenceQueue.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object other)
          Equivalence for WeakKeyReference is defined as follows: If the other reference is to this object, return true.
 int hashCode()
          Return the key's hashCode remembered from the time of reference creation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.ref.Reference
clear, enqueue, get, isEnqueued
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WeakKeyReference(Object key)
Create a new WeakReference to the given key. The reference is placed on no queue.


public WeakKeyReference(Object key,
                        ReferenceQueue refQueue)
Create a new WeakReference to the given key, placing the cleared reference on the specified ReferenceQueue.

Method Detail


public int hashCode()
Return the key's hashCode remembered from the time of reference creation. If you intend to insert the key in a table after changing the key in a way that affects the hashCode, you will need to create a new WeakKeyReference for that new table.

hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object other)
Equivalence for WeakKeyReference is defined as follows:

equals in class Object

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.