GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class Config

  extended by com.sun.jini.config.Config

public class Config
extends Object

Provides static methods for getting entries from a Configuration. This class cannot be instantiated.

This class uses the Logger named net.jini.config to log information at the following logging levels:

Level Description
FINE entries that are found, but do not meet the specified constraints (e.g. are null)

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Method Summary
static float getFloatEntry(Configuration config, String component, String name, float defaultValue, float min, float max)
          Obtains a float that falls within the given inclusive range from the specified Configuration using the specified component and entry names.
static int getIntEntry(Configuration config, String component, String name, int defaultValue, int min, int max)
          Obtains an int that falls within the given inclusive range from the specified Configuration using the specified component and entry names.
static long getLongEntry(Configuration config, String component, String name, long defaultValue, long min, long max)
          Obtains a long that falls within the given inclusive range from the specified Configuration using the specified component and entry names.
static Object getNonNullEntry(Configuration config, String component, String name, Class type)
          Obtains a non-null object from the specified Configuration using the specified arguments.
static Object getNonNullEntry(Configuration config, String component, String name, Class type, Object defaultValue)
          Obtains a non-null object from the specified Configuration using the specified arguments.
static Object getNonNullEntry(Configuration config, String component, String name, Class type, Object defaultValue, Object data)
          Obtains a non-null object from the specified Configuration using the specified arguments.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Object getNonNullEntry(Configuration config,
                                     String component,
                                     String name,
                                     Class type)
                              throws ConfigurationException
Obtains a non-null object from the specified Configuration using the specified arguments.

Calling this method is equivalent to calling getNonNullEntry(config, component, name, type, Configuration.NO_DEFAULT, Configuration.NO_DATA).

config - the Configuration being consulted.
component - the component being configured
name - the name of the entry for the component
type - the type of the object to be returned
a non-null object obtained from calling config.getEntry using the other passed arguments
NoSuchEntryException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does
ConfigurationException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does, or if the returned entry is null. Any Error thrown while creating the object is propagated to the caller; it is not wrapped in a ConfigurationException
IllegalArgumentException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does
NullPointerException - if any of the arguments are null
See Also:
Configuration.getEntry(String, String, Class), getNonNullEntry(Configuration, String, String, Class, Object, Object)


public static Object getNonNullEntry(Configuration config,
                                     String component,
                                     String name,
                                     Class type,
                                     Object defaultValue)
                              throws ConfigurationException
Obtains a non-null object from the specified Configuration using the specified arguments.

Calling this method is equivalent to calling getNonNullEntry(config, component, name, type, defaultValue, Configuration.NO_DATA).

config - the Configuration being consulted.
component - the component being configured
name - the name of the entry for the component
type - the type of the object to be returned
defaultValue - the object to return if no matching entry is found
a non-null object obtained from calling config.getEntry using the other passed arguments
NoSuchEntryException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does
ConfigurationException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does, or if the returned entry is null. Any Error thrown while creating the object is propagated to the caller; it is not wrapped in a ConfigurationException
IllegalArgumentException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does
NullPointerException - if any of the arguments are null
See Also:
Configuration.getEntry(String, String, Class, Object, Object), getNonNullEntry(Configuration, String, String, Class, Object, Object)


public static Object getNonNullEntry(Configuration config,
                                     String component,
                                     String name,
                                     Class type,
                                     Object defaultValue,
                                     Object data)
                              throws ConfigurationException
Obtains a non-null object from the specified Configuration using the specified arguments.

Calling this method is equivalent to calling config.getEntry(component, name, type, defaultValue, data) after ensuring that defaultValue is non-null and throwing ConfigurationException if the result is null.

config - the Configuration being consulted.
component - the component being configured
name - the name of the entry for the component
type - the type of the object to be returned
defaultValue - the object to return if no matching entry is found
data - an object to use when computing the value of the entry, or Configuration#NO_DATA to specify no data
a non-null object obtained from calling config.getEntry using the other passed arguments
NoSuchEntryException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does
ConfigurationException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does, or if the returned entry is null. Any Error thrown while creating the object is propagated to the caller; it is not wrapped in a ConfigurationException
IllegalArgumentException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does
NullPointerException - if the config, component, name, type, or defaultValue arguments are null
See Also:
Configuration.getEntry(String, String, Class, Object, Object), getNonNullEntry(Configuration, String, String, Class, Object, Object)


public static long getLongEntry(Configuration config,
                                String component,
                                String name,
                                long defaultValue,
                                long min,
                                long max)
                         throws ConfigurationException
Obtains a long that falls within the given inclusive range from the specified Configuration using the specified component and entry names.

config - the Configuration being consulted.
component - the component being configured
name - the name of the entry for the component
defaultValue - the long to return if no matching entry is found
min - the minimum value the entry should have
max - the maximum value the entry should have
a long obtained from calling config.getEntry using component, name, and defaultValue.
NoSuchEntryException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does
ConfigurationException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does, or if the returned entry is null, or if returned value is not between min and max, inclusive. Any Error thrown while creating the object is propagated to the caller; it is not wrapped in a ConfigurationException
IllegalArgumentException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does, if defaultValue is not between min and max inclusive, or if min is larger than max
NullPointerException - if config, component or name is null.
See Also:
Configuration.getEntry(String, String, Class, Object)


public static int getIntEntry(Configuration config,
                              String component,
                              String name,
                              int defaultValue,
                              int min,
                              int max)
                       throws ConfigurationException
Obtains an int that falls within the given inclusive range from the specified Configuration using the specified component and entry names.

config - the Configuration being consulted.
component - the component being configured
name - the name of the entry for the component
defaultValue - the int to return if no matching entry is found
min - the minimum value the entry should have
max - the maximum value the entry should have
a int obtained from calling config.getEntry using component, name, and defaultValue.
NoSuchEntryException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does
ConfigurationException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does, or if the returned entry is null, or if returned value is not between min and max, inclusive. Any Error thrown while creating the object is propagated to the caller; it is not wrapped in a ConfigurationException
IllegalArgumentException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does, if defaultValue is not between min and max inclusive, or if min is larger than max
NullPointerException - if config, component or name is null.
See Also:
Configuration.getEntry(String, String, Class, Object)


public static float getFloatEntry(Configuration config,
                                  String component,
                                  String name,
                                  float defaultValue,
                                  float min,
                                  float max)
                           throws ConfigurationException
Obtains a float that falls within the given inclusive range from the specified Configuration using the specified component and entry names.

config - the Configuration being consulted.
component - the component being configured
name - the name of the entry for the component
defaultValue - the float to return if no matching entry is found
min - the minimum value the entry should have
max - the maximum value the entry should have
a float obtained from calling config.getEntry using component, name, and defaultValue.
NoSuchEntryException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does
ConfigurationException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does, or if the returned entry is null, or if returned value is not between min and max, inclusive. Any Error thrown while creating the object is propagated to the caller; it is not wrapped in a ConfigurationException
IllegalArgumentException - if the underlying call to config.getEntry does, if defaultValue is not between min and max inclusive, or if min is larger than max
NullPointerException - if config, component or name is null.
See Also:
Configuration.getEntry(String, String, Class, Object)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.