GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LifeCycle
com.sun.jini.reggie Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar
com.sun.jini.start Provides the utilities and APIs used to launch the contributed services provided in the Jini(TM) Technology Starter Kit (starter kit). 
com.sun.jini.tool Tools for: checking configuration files; checking for missing serialVersionUID fields; computing class dependencies; generating permission grants to debug security policy setup; providing HTTP service; generating message digests; generating HTTPMD URLs; generating wrapper JAR files; and generating preferred lists. 

Uses of LifeCycle in com.sun.jini.reggie

Constructors in com.sun.jini.reggie with parameters of type LifeCycle
GigaRegistrar(String[] configArgs, LifeCycle lifeCycle)
          Constructs RegistrarImpl based on a configuration obtained using the provided string arguments.

Uses of LifeCycle in com.sun.jini.start

Methods in com.sun.jini.start that return LifeCycle
 LifeCycle NonActivatableServiceDescriptor.getLifeCycle()
          LifeCycle accessor method.

Methods in com.sun.jini.start with parameters of type LifeCycle
 void NonActivatableServiceDescriptor.setLifeCycle(LifeCycle lc)
          Sets the LifeCycle object for this descriptor.

Constructors in com.sun.jini.start with parameters of type LifeCycle
NonActivatableServiceDescriptor(String exportCodebase, String policy, String importCodebase, String implClassName, String[] serverConfigArgs, LifeCycle lifeCycle)
          Convenience constructor.
NonActivatableServiceDescriptor(String exportCodebase, String policy, String importCodebase, String implClassName, String[] serverConfigArgs, LifeCycle lifeCycle, ProxyPreparer preparer)
          Main constructor.

Uses of LifeCycle in com.sun.jini.tool

Constructors in com.sun.jini.tool with parameters of type LifeCycle
ClassServer(String[] args, LifeCycle lifeCycle)
          Construct a running server, accepting the same command line options supported by main, except for the -stop option.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.openspaces.grid.esm

Constructors in org.openspaces.grid.esm with parameters of type LifeCycle
ESMImpl(String[] configArgs, LifeCycle lifeCycle)
          Create an ESM launched from the ServiceStarter framework

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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