GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use CommandLine.BadInvocationException
com.sun.jini.system Utility classes helping with interactions with the underlying system. 

Uses of CommandLine.BadInvocationException in com.sun.jini.system

Methods in com.sun.jini.system that throw CommandLine.BadInvocationException
 double POSIXCommandLine.getDouble(char opt, double defaultValue)
          Return the value of the given double from the command line.
 double MultiCommandLine.getDouble(String opt, double defaultValue)
          Return the value of the given double from the command line.
 InputStream POSIXCommandLine.getInputStream(char opt, InputStream defaultValue)
          Return a InputStream that is the result of creating a new FileInputStream object for the file named by the given option.
 InputStream POSIXCommandLine.getInputStream(char opt, String path)
          Return a InputStream that is the result of creating a new FileInputStream object for the file named by the given option.
 InputStream MultiCommandLine.getInputStream(String opt, InputStream defaultValue)
          Return a InputStream that is the result of creating a new FileInputStream object for the file named by the given option.
 InputStream MultiCommandLine.getInputStream(String opt, String path)
          Return a InputStream that is the result of creating a new FileInputStream object for the file named by the given option.
 int POSIXCommandLine.getInt(char opt, int defaultValue)
          Return the argument of the given int option from the command line.
 int MultiCommandLine.getInt(String opt, int defaultValue)
          Return the argument of the given int option from the command line.
 long POSIXCommandLine.getLong(char opt, long defaultValue)
          Return the argument of the given long option from the command line.
 long MultiCommandLine.getLong(String opt, long defaultValue)
          Return the argument of the given long option from the command line.
 String[] MultiCommandLine.getOperands()
          Return the command line operands that come after the options.
 String[] POSIXCommandLine.getOperands()
          Return the command line operands that come after the options.
 OutputStream POSIXCommandLine.getOutputStream(char opt, OutputStream defaultValue)
          Return a OutputStream that is the result of creating a new FileOutputStream object for the file named by the given option.
 OutputStream POSIXCommandLine.getOutputStream(char opt, String path)
          Return a InputStream that is the result of creating a new FileInputStream object for the file named by the given option.
 OutputStream MultiCommandLine.getOutputStream(String opt, OutputStream defaultValue)
          Return a OutputStream that is the result of creating a new FileOutputStream object for the file named by the given option.
 OutputStream MultiCommandLine.getOutputStream(String opt, String path)
          Return a InputStream that is the result of creating a new FileInputStream object for the file named by the given option.
 RandomAccessFile POSIXCommandLine.getRandomAccessFile(char opt, RandomAccessFile defaultValue, String mode)
          Return a RandomAccessFile that is the result of creating a new RandomAccessFile object for the file named by the given option, using the given mode.
 RandomAccessFile POSIXCommandLine.getRandomAccessFile(char opt, String path, String mode)
          Return a RandomAccessFile that is the result of creating a new RandomAccessFile object for the file named by the given option, using the given mode.
 RandomAccessFile MultiCommandLine.getRandomAccessFile(String opt, RandomAccessFile defaultValue, String mode)
          Return a RandomAccessFile that is the result of creating a new RandomAccessFile object for the file named by the given option, using the given mode.
 RandomAccessFile MultiCommandLine.getRandomAccessFile(String opt, String path, String mode)
          Return a RandomAccessFile that is the result of creating a new RandomAccessFile object for the file named by the given option, using the given mode.
 Reader POSIXCommandLine.getReader(char opt, Reader defaultValue)
          Return a Reader that is the result of creating a new FileReader object for the file named by the given option.
 Reader POSIXCommandLine.getReader(char opt, String path)
          Return a Reader that is the result of creating a new FileReader object for the file named by the given option.
 Reader MultiCommandLine.getReader(String opt, Reader defaultValue)
          Return a Reader that is the result of creating a new FileReader object for the file named by the given option.
 Reader MultiCommandLine.getReader(String opt, String path)
          Return a Reader that is the result of creating a new FileReader object for the file named by the given option.
 String POSIXCommandLine.getString(char opt, String defaultValue)
          Return the argument of the given string option from the command line.
 String MultiCommandLine.getString(String opt, String defaultValue)
          Return the argument of the given string option from the command line.
 Writer POSIXCommandLine.getWriter(char opt, String path)
          Return a Writer that is the result of creating a new FileWriter object for the file named by the given option.
 Writer POSIXCommandLine.getWriter(char opt, Writer defaultValue)
          Return a Writer that is the result of creating a new FileWriter object for the file named by the given option.
 Writer MultiCommandLine.getWriter(String opt, String path)
          Return a Writer that is the result of creating a new FileWriter object for the file named by the given option.
 Writer MultiCommandLine.getWriter(String opt, Writer defaultValue)
          Return a Writer that is the result of creating a new FileWriter object for the file named by the given option.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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