GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class TaskManager

  extended by com.sun.jini.thread.TaskManager

public class TaskManager
extends Object

A task manager manages a single queue of tasks, and some number of worker threads. New tasks are added to the tail of the queue. Each thread loops, taking a task from the queue and running it. Each thread looks for a task by starting at the head of the queue and taking the first task (that is not already being worked on) that is not required to run after any of the tasks that precede it in the queue (including tasks that are currently being worked on).

This class uses the Logger named com.sun.jini.thread.TaskManager to log information at the following logging levels:

SEVERE failure to create a worker thread when no other worker threads exist
WARNING exceptions thrown by TaskManager.Task methods, and failure to create a worker thread when other worker threads exist

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Nested Class Summary
static interface TaskManager.Task
          The interface that tasks must implement
Field Summary
protected  int firstPending
          Index of the first pending task; all earlier tasks are active
protected  float loadFactor
          Threshold for creating new threads
protected static Logger logger
protected  int maxThreads
          Maximum number of threads allowed
protected  List roTasks
          Read-only view of tasks
protected  ArrayList<TaskManager.Task> tasks
          Active and pending tasks
protected  boolean terminated
          True if manager has been terminated
protected  List<com.sun.jini.thread.TaskManager.TaskThread> threads
          Active threads
protected  long timeout
          Idle time before a thread should exit
Constructor Summary
          Create a task manager with maxThreads = 10, timeout = 15 seconds, and loadFactor = 3.0.
TaskManager(int maxThreads, long timeout, float loadFactor)
          Create a task manager.
TaskManager(int maxThreads, long timeout, float loadFactor, String threadName, int retriesOnIdle)
TaskManager(int maxThreads, long timeout, float loadFactor, String threadName, int retriesOnIdle, int threadPriority)
Method Summary
 void add(TaskManager.Task t)
          Add a new task.
 void addAll(Collection c)
          Add all tasks in a collection, in iterator order.
 void addIfNew(TaskManager.Task t)
          Add a new task if it is not equal to (using the equals method) to any existing active or pending task.
 int getMaxThreads()
          Return the maximum number of threads to use on tasks.
 List<TaskManager.Task> getPending()
          Return all pending tasks.
 String getThreadName()
 int getTotalTasks()
          Returns the total number of tasks to be executed and currently executing.
 boolean isTerminated()
protected  boolean needThread()
          Return true if a new thread should be created (ignoring maxThreads).
 boolean remove(TaskManager.Task t)
 boolean removeIfPending(TaskManager.Task t)
          Remove a task if it is pending (not active).
 void setThreadName(String threadName)
 void terminate()
          Interrupt all threads, and stop processing tasks.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final Logger logger


protected final ArrayList<TaskManager.Task> tasks
Active and pending tasks


protected int firstPending
Index of the first pending task; all earlier tasks are active


protected final List roTasks
Read-only view of tasks


protected final List<com.sun.jini.thread.TaskManager.TaskThread> threads
Active threads


protected final int maxThreads
Maximum number of threads allowed


protected final long timeout
Idle time before a thread should exit


protected final float loadFactor
Threshold for creating new threads


protected boolean terminated
True if manager has been terminated

Constructor Detail


public TaskManager()
Create a task manager with maxThreads = 10, timeout = 15 seconds, and loadFactor = 3.0.


public TaskManager(int maxThreads,
                   long timeout,
                   float loadFactor)
Create a task manager.

maxThreads - maximum number of threads to use on tasks
timeout - idle time before a thread exits
loadFactor - threshold for creating new threads. A new thread is created if the total number of runnable tasks (both active and pending) exceeds the number of threads times the loadFactor, and the maximum number of threads has not been reached.


public TaskManager(int maxThreads,
                   long timeout,
                   float loadFactor,
                   String threadName,
                   int retriesOnIdle)


public TaskManager(int maxThreads,
                   long timeout,
                   float loadFactor,
                   String threadName,
                   int retriesOnIdle,
                   int threadPriority)
Method Detail


public void addIfNew(TaskManager.Task t)
Add a new task if it is not equal to (using the equals method) to any existing active or pending task.


public void add(TaskManager.Task t)
Add a new task.


public void setThreadName(String threadName)


public String getThreadName()


public void addAll(Collection c)
Add all tasks in a collection, in iterator order.


protected boolean needThread()
Return true if a new thread should be created (ignoring maxThreads).


public boolean removeIfPending(TaskManager.Task t)
Remove a task if it is pending (not active). Object identity (==) is used, not the equals method. Returns true if the task was removed.


public boolean remove(TaskManager.Task t)


public void terminate()
Interrupt all threads, and stop processing tasks. Only getPending should be used afterwards.


public boolean isTerminated()


public List<TaskManager.Task> getPending()
Return all pending tasks. A new list is returned each time.


public int getTotalTasks()
Returns the total number of tasks to be executed and currently executing.


public int getMaxThreads()
Return the maximum number of threads to use on tasks.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.