GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class AbstractPlugin

  extended by com.sun.jini.tool.envcheck.AbstractPlugin
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CheckActivationSystem, CheckCodebase, CheckConfig, CheckJDK1_4, CheckJSKPlatform, CheckJSKPolicy, CheckJsseProps, CheckLoggingConfig, CheckNoLoopback, CheckPersistence, CheckPolicy

public abstract class AbstractPlugin
extends Object
implements Plugin

Base class for plugins providing rudimentary I18N support

Constructor Summary
protected AbstractPlugin()
          Initialize the base class by obtaining the resource bundle associated with the instantiated class.
Method Summary
protected  ResourceBundle getBundle()
          Get the resource bundle for this class.
protected  String getString(String key)
          Get the format string associated with key from the resource bundle for this class.
protected  String getString(String key, Object val)
          Get the format string associated with key from the resource bundle for this class.
protected  String getString(String key, Object val1, Object val2)
          Get the format string associated with key from the resource bundle for this class.
protected  String getString(String key, Object v1, Object v2, Object v3)
          Get the format string associated with key from the resource bundle for this class.
protected  void handleUnexpectedSubtaskReturn(Object returnedValue, String source)
          Utility method which can be called to process objects of unexpected type which are returned by a subtask.
 boolean isPluginOption(String opt)
          Determine whether arg is a plugin-specific command-line option for this plugin and save any necessary state.
protected  String taskName(String name)
          Return a fully qualified external class name for the given static inner class name.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jini.tool.envcheck.Plugin

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractPlugin()
Initialize the base class by obtaining the resource bundle associated with the instantiated class.

Method Detail


public boolean isPluginOption(String opt)
Description copied from interface: Plugin
Determine whether arg is a plugin-specific command-line option for this plugin and save any necessary state. State should be saved in static fields since plugin instances may not be cached.

Specified by:
isPluginOption in interface Plugin
opt - the command-line option to examine
true if the plugin supports this option


protected ResourceBundle getBundle()
Get the resource bundle for this class.

the resource bundle


protected String getString(String key)
Get the format string associated with key from the resource bundle for this class.

key - the key identifying the format string
the format string


protected String getString(String key,
                           Object val)
Get the format string associated with key from the resource bundle for this class.

key - the key identifying the format string
val - the value to associate with {0}
the format string


protected String getString(String key,
                           Object val1,
                           Object val2)
Get the format string associated with key from the resource bundle for this class.

key - the key identifying the format string
val1 - the value to associate with {0}
val2 - the value to associate with {1}
the format string


protected String getString(String key,
                           Object v1,
                           Object v2,
                           Object v3)
Get the format string associated with key from the resource bundle for this class.

key - the key identifying the format string
v1 - the value to associate with {0}
v2 - the value to associate with {1}
v3 - the value to associate with {2}
the format string


protected String taskName(String name)
Return a fully qualified external class name for the given static inner class name.

name - the unqualified name of the inner class
the fully qualified name


protected void handleUnexpectedSubtaskReturn(Object returnedValue,
                                             String source)
Utility method which can be called to process objects of unexpected type which are returned by a subtask. If returnedValue is not a Throwable, then Thread.dumpStack() is called to help located the source of the problem. Otherwise a stacktrace is printed; the -traces option does not affect this trace.

returnedValue - the object returned by the subtask
source - descriptive text identifying the source at the time the subtask was launched

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.