GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class ConstraintAlternatives

  extended by net.jini.core.constraint.ConstraintAlternatives
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, InvocationConstraint, RelativeTimeConstraint

public final class ConstraintAlternatives
extends Object
implements RelativeTimeConstraint, Serializable

Combines two or more constraint alternatives into a single overall constraint. The semantics of this aggregate constraint are that at least one of the individual constraint alternatives must be satisfied. The alternatives do not have to be instances of the same type, but they cannot themselves be ConstraintAlternatives instances.

Note that this class implements RelativeTimeConstraint even though the constraint elements might not implement RelativeTimeConstraint.

An instance containing an exhaustive list of alternatives (for example, an instance containing both ClientAuthentication.YES and ClientAuthentication.NO) serves no useful purpose, as a requirement or as a preference. A don't care condition should be expressed by the absence of constraints.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
ConstraintAlternatives(Collection c)
          Creates an instance containing the specified alternative constraints, with duplicate constraints removed.
ConstraintAlternatives(InvocationConstraint[] constraints)
          Creates an instance containing the specified alternative constraints, with duplicate constraints removed.
Method Summary
static InvocationConstraint create(Collection c)
          Returns a constraint representing the specified alternative constraints, with duplicate constraints removed.
static InvocationConstraint create(InvocationConstraint[] constraints)
          Returns a constraint representing the specified alternative constraints, with duplicate constraints removed.
 Set elements()
          Returns an immutable set of all of the constraints.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Two instances of this class are equal if they have the same constraints (ignoring order).
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code value for this object.
 InvocationConstraint makeAbsolute(long baseTime)
          Returns a constraint equal to the result of taking the constraints in this instance, replacing each constraint that is an instance of RelativeTimeConstraint with the result of invoking that constraint's makeAbsolute method with the specified base time, and invoking the create method of this class with the revised collection of constraints.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConstraintAlternatives(InvocationConstraint[] constraints)
Creates an instance containing the specified alternative constraints, with duplicate constraints removed. The argument passed to this constructor is neither modified nor retained; subsequent changes to that argument have no effect on the instance created.

constraints - the alternative constraints
NullPointerException - if the argument is null or any element is null
IllegalArgumentException - if any of the elements are instances of ConstraintAlternatives, or if fewer than two elements remain after duplicate constraints are removed


public ConstraintAlternatives(Collection c)
Creates an instance containing the specified alternative constraints, with duplicate constraints removed. The argument passed to this constructor is neither modified nor retained; subsequent changes to that argument have no effect on the instance created.

c - the alternative constraints
NullPointerException - if the argument is null or any element is null
IllegalArgumentException - if any of the elements are instances of ConstraintAlternatives, or if the elements are not all instances of InvocationConstraint, or if fewer than two elements remain after duplicate constraints are removed
Method Detail


public static InvocationConstraint create(InvocationConstraint[] constraints)
Returns a constraint representing the specified alternative constraints, with duplicate constraints removed. If a single constraint remains after duplicates are removed, then that constraint is returned, otherwise an instance of ConstraintAlternatives containing the remaining constraints is returned. The argument passed to this method is neither modified nor retained; subsequent changes to that argument have no effect on the instance created.

constraints - the alternative constraints
a constraint representing the specified alternative constraints, with duplicate constraints removed
NullPointerException - if the argument is null or any element is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is empty, or if any of the elements are instances of ConstraintAlternatives


public static InvocationConstraint create(Collection c)
Returns a constraint representing the specified alternative constraints, with duplicate constraints removed. If a single constraint remains after duplicates are removed, then that constraint is returned, otherwise an instance of ConstraintAlternatives containing the remaining constraints is returned. The argument passed to this method is neither modified nor retained; subsequent changes to that argument have no effect on the instance created.

c - the alternative constraints
a constraint representing the specified alternative constraints, with duplicate constraints removed
NullPointerException - if the argument is null or any element is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is empty, or if any of the elements are instances of ConstraintAlternatives, or if the elements are not all instances of InvocationConstraint


public Set elements()
Returns an immutable set of all of the constraints. Any attempt to modify this set results in an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown.

an immutable set of all of the constraints


public InvocationConstraint makeAbsolute(long baseTime)
Returns a constraint equal to the result of taking the constraints in this instance, replacing each constraint that is an instance of RelativeTimeConstraint with the result of invoking that constraint's makeAbsolute method with the specified base time, and invoking the create method of this class with the revised collection of constraints.

Specified by:
makeAbsolute in interface RelativeTimeConstraint
baseTime - an absolute time, specified in milliseconds from midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC
a constraint that has the relative times converted to absolute times by adding the specified absolute time to each relative time


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code value for this object.

hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Two instances of this class are equal if they have the same constraints (ignoring order).

equals in class Object


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this object.

toString in class Object

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.