GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use MethodConstraints
com.sun.jini.landlord This is a utility for services implementing leases. 
com.sun.jini.reggie Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar
net.jini.constraint Provides a basic implementation of MethodConstraints and a TrustVerifier for common constraints. 
net.jini.core.constraint Defines constraints and collections of constraints that can be used to control method invocation, and an interface that proxies implement to allow clients to specify constraints for remote method calls. 
net.jini.discovery These are utility classes and interfaces that conform to the discovery and join protocol defined in the Jini(TM) Discovery and Join Specification Provides mechanisms and abstractions for managing security, especially in the presence of dynamically downloaded code. 

Uses of MethodConstraints in com.sun.jini.landlord

Methods in com.sun.jini.landlord that return MethodConstraints
 MethodConstraints ConstrainableLandlordLease.getConstraints()

Methods in com.sun.jini.landlord with parameters of type MethodConstraints
 RemoteMethodControl ConstrainableLandlordLease.setConstraints(MethodConstraints constraints)

Constructors in com.sun.jini.landlord with parameters of type MethodConstraints
ConstrainableLandlordLease(Uuid cookie, Landlord landlord, Uuid landlordUuid, long expiration, MethodConstraints methodConstraints)
          Create a new ConstrainableLandlordLease.

Uses of MethodConstraints in com.sun.jini.proxy

Methods in com.sun.jini.proxy that return MethodConstraints
static MethodConstraints ConstrainableProxyUtil.translateConstraints(MethodConstraints methodConstraints, Method[] mappings)
          Creates a MethodConstraints using the constraints in methodConstraints, but with the methods remapped according to mappings, where the first element of each pair of elements is mapped to the second.

Methods in com.sun.jini.proxy with parameters of type MethodConstraints
static boolean ConstrainableProxyUtil.equivalentConstraints(MethodConstraints methodConstraints1, MethodConstraints methodConstraints2, Method[] mappings)
          Test to see if two MethodConstraints instances are equivalent given a method-to-method mapping.
static MethodConstraints ConstrainableProxyUtil.translateConstraints(MethodConstraints methodConstraints, Method[] mappings)
          Creates a MethodConstraints using the constraints in methodConstraints, but with the methods remapped according to mappings, where the first element of each pair of elements is mapped to the second.
static void ConstrainableProxyUtil.verifyConsistentConstraints(MethodConstraints methodConstraints, Object proxy, Method[] mappings)
          Verify that an object, proxy, is an instance of RemoteMethodControl its MethodConstraints are equivalent to another MethodConstraints instance, methodConstraints once a mapping has been applied.

Uses of MethodConstraints in com.sun.jini.reggie

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie that return MethodConstraints
 MethodConstraints ConstrainableEventLease.getConstraints()

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie with parameters of type MethodConstraints
 RemoteMethodControl ConstrainableEventLease.setConstraints(MethodConstraints constraints)

Uses of MethodConstraints in net.jini.constraint

Classes in net.jini.constraint that implement MethodConstraints
 class BasicMethodConstraints
          Basic implementation of MethodConstraints, allowing limited wildcard matching on method names and parameter types.

Uses of MethodConstraints in net.jini.core.constraint

Methods in net.jini.core.constraint that return MethodConstraints
 MethodConstraints RemoteMethodControl.getConstraints()
          Returns the client constraints placed on this proxy.

Methods in net.jini.core.constraint with parameters of type MethodConstraints
 RemoteMethodControl RemoteMethodControl.setConstraints(MethodConstraints constraints)
          Returns a new copy of this proxy with the client constraints set to the specified constraints.

Uses of MethodConstraints in net.jini.discovery

Methods in net.jini.discovery that return MethodConstraints
 MethodConstraints ConstrainableLookupLocator.getConstraints()

Methods in net.jini.discovery with parameters of type MethodConstraints
 RemoteMethodControl ConstrainableLookupLocator.setConstraints(MethodConstraints constraints)

Constructors in net.jini.discovery with parameters of type MethodConstraints
ConstrainableLookupLocator(String host, int port, MethodConstraints constraints)
          Constructs a new ConstrainableLookupLocator instance which can be used to perform unicast discovery to the given host and port with the provided constraints applied.
ConstrainableLookupLocator(String url, MethodConstraints constraints)
          Constructs a new ConstrainableLookupLocator instance which can be used to perform unicast discovery to the host and port named by the given URL with the provided constraints applied.

Uses of MethodConstraints in

Fields in declared as MethodConstraints
protected  MethodConstraints BasicProxyPreparer.methodConstraints
          Method constraints to use when verifying if proxies are trusted and for setting their constraints, if BasicProxyPreparer.methodConstraintsSpecified is true.

Methods in that return MethodConstraints
protected  MethodConstraints BasicProxyPreparer.getMethodConstraints(Object proxy)
          Returns the method constraints to use when verifying and setting constraints on the specified proxy.

Constructors in with parameters of type MethodConstraints
BasicProxyPreparer(boolean verify, MethodConstraints methodConstraints, Permission[] permissions)
          Creates a proxy preparer that specifies whether proxies should be verified, specifies permissions to grant them, and specifies what method constraints to use when verifying and setting constraints.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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