GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface DiscoveryManagement

All Known Implementing Classes:
LookupDiscovery, LookupDiscoveryManager, LookupLocatorDiscovery

public interface DiscoveryManagement

This interface defines methods related to the discovery event mechanism and discovery process termination. Through this interface an entity can register or un-register for discovery events, discard a lookup service, or terminate the discovery process.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Method Summary
 void addDiscoveryListener(DiscoveryListener listener)
          Adds an instance of DiscoveryListener to the set of objects listening for discovery events.
 void discard(ServiceRegistrar proxy)
          Removes an instance of ServiceRegistrar from the managed set of lookup services, making the corresponding lookup service eligible for re-discovery.
 ServiceRegistrar[] getRegistrars()
          Returns an array of instances of ServiceRegistrar, each corresponding to a proxy to one of the currently discovered lookup services.
 void removeDiscoveryListener(DiscoveryListener listener)
          Removes a listener from the set of objects listening for discovery events.
 void terminate()
          Ends all discovery processing being performed by the current implementation of this interface.

Method Detail


void addDiscoveryListener(DiscoveryListener listener)
Adds an instance of DiscoveryListener to the set of objects listening for discovery events. Once the listener is registered, it will be notified of all lookup services discovered to date, and will then be notified as new lookup services are discovered or existing lookup services are discarded.

If null is input to this method, a NullPointerException is thrown. If the listener input to this method duplicates (using the equals method) another element in the current set of listeners, no action is taken.

listener - an instance of DiscoveryListener corresponding to the listener to add to the set of listeners.
NullPointerException - if null is input to the listener parameter
See Also:
removeDiscoveryListener(net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryListener), DiscoveryListener


void removeDiscoveryListener(DiscoveryListener listener)
Removes a listener from the set of objects listening for discovery events. If the listener object input to this method does not exist in the set of listeners, then this method will take no action.

listener - an instance of DiscoveryListener corresponding to the listener to remove from the set of listeners.
See Also:
addDiscoveryListener(net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryListener), DiscoveryListener


ServiceRegistrar[] getRegistrars()
Returns an array of instances of ServiceRegistrar, each corresponding to a proxy to one of the currently discovered lookup services. For each invocation of this method, a new array is returned.

array of instances of ServiceRegistrar, each corresponding to a proxy to one of the currently discovered lookup services
See Also:


void discard(ServiceRegistrar proxy)
Removes an instance of ServiceRegistrar from the managed set of lookup services, making the corresponding lookup service eligible for re-discovery. This method takes no action if the parameter input to this method is null, or if it does not match (using equals) any of the elements in the managed set.

proxy - the instance of ServiceRegistrar to remove from the managed set of lookup services
See Also:


void terminate()
Ends all discovery processing being performed by the current implementation of this interface. After this method is invoked, no new lookup services will be discovered, and the effect of any new operations performed on the current implementation object are undefined. Any additional termination semantics must be defined by the implementation class itself.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.