GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Package

Packages that use net.jini.entry
com.sun.jini.lookup.entry Helper utility classes for managing entries used as lookup service attributes. 
net.jini.lookup.entry These are common entry classes for use as attributes in lookup services and their associated JavaBeans(TM) component wrapping classes. JavaSpaces(TM) servers provide a place on the network, a space, for clients to store and exchange objects. 

Classes in net.jini.entry used by com.sun.jini.lookup.entry
          An abstract implementation of Entry that provides useful implementations of equals, hashCode, and toString.

Classes in net.jini.entry used by net.jini.lookup.entry
          An abstract implementation of Entry that provides useful implementations of equals, hashCode, and toString.

Classes in net.jini.entry used by
          Thrown from methods that normally return a collection of Entry instances when one or more of the entries can't be unmarshalled.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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