GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface MailboxRegistration

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface MailboxRegistration

The MailboxRegistration defines the interface through which a client manages its registration and its notification processing. Event mailbox clients use this interface to:

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Method Summary
 void disableDelivery()
          Ceases delivery of stored notifications to the existing target listener, if any.
 void enableDelivery(RemoteEventListener target)
          Initiates delivery of stored notifications to the supplied target listener, if any.
 Lease getLease()
          Returns the Lease object associated with this registration.
 RemoteEventListener getListener()
          Returns the RemoteEventListener associated with this registration.

Method Detail


Lease getLease()
Returns the Lease object associated with this registration. The client can renew or cancel the registration with the mailbox service through this lease object.

The lease object associated with this registration


RemoteEventListener getListener()
Returns the RemoteEventListener associated with this registration. This listener can then be submitted as the RemoteEventListener argument to an event generator's registration method(s).

The RemoteEventListener associated with this registration.


void enableDelivery(RemoteEventListener target)
                    throws RemoteException
Initiates delivery of stored notifications to the supplied target listener, if any. If a target listener already exists, then it will be replaced with the specified target listener. Passing null as the target parameter has the same effect as calling the disableDelivery method.

target - The listener to be notified of stored events, if any.
IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied target parameter is a listener object that was generated by the mailbox service itself.
RemoteException - if there is a communication failure between the client and the service.


void disableDelivery()
                     throws RemoteException
Ceases delivery of stored notifications to the existing target listener, if any. It is acceptable to call this method even if no target listener is currently enabled.

RemoteException - if there is a communication failure between the client and the service.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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