GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class IiopExporter

  extended by net.jini.iiop.IiopExporter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class IiopExporter
extends Object
implements Exporter

An IiopExporter can be used to export a single remote object to the RMI-IIOP runtime. It acts as an adapter between the Exporter interface and existing RMI-IIOP (un)export/utility APIs provided by the javax.rmi and javax.rmi.CORBA packages.

Note: although this exporter internally makes use of PortableRemoteObject, it cannot be used to export remote objects over JRMP (as PortableRemoteObject can). For JRMP exports, JrmpExporter should be used instead.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new exporter which can be used to export a remote object over IIOP.
IiopExporter(ORB orb)
          Creates a new exporter which can be used to export a remote object over IIOP.
Method Summary
 Remote export(Remote impl)
          Exports a remote object, impl, to the RMI-IIOP runtime and returns a proxy (stub) for the remote object.
 String toString()
          Returns the string representation for this exporter.
 boolean unexport(boolean force)
          Unexports the remote object exported via this exporter's export(java.rmi.Remote) method such that the object can no longer accept incoming remote calls that were possible as a result of exporting via this exporter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IiopExporter()
Creates a new exporter which can be used to export a remote object over IIOP. The stub resulting from an export of a remote object with this exporter will not be connected to any ORB.


public IiopExporter(ORB orb)
Creates a new exporter which can be used to export a remote object over IIOP. If the given ORB is non-null, then the stub resulting from an export of a remote object with this exporter will be connected to it; otherwise, the stub will be left unconnected.

orb - if non-null, ORB to which to connect stub of exported object
Method Detail


public Remote export(Remote impl)
              throws ExportException
Exports a remote object, impl, to the RMI-IIOP runtime and returns a proxy (stub) for the remote object. If an ORB was specified during construction of this exporter, then the returned RMI-IIOP stub will be connected to it. This method cannot be called more than once to export a remote object or an IllegalStateException will be thrown.

Specified by:
export in interface Exporter
impl - a remote object to export
a proxy for the remote object
NullPointerException - if impl is null
IllegalStateException - if an object has already been exported with this Exporter instance
ExportException - if a problem occurs exporting the object


public boolean unexport(boolean force)
Unexports the remote object exported via this exporter's export(java.rmi.Remote) method such that the object can no longer accept incoming remote calls that were possible as a result of exporting via this exporter.

This method unexports the remote object via a call to PortableRemoteObject.unexportObject(java.rmi.Remote), which only supports the equivalent of a "forced" unexport (i.e., one in which the object is unexported regardless of the presence of pending or in-progress calls). Hence, this method will not consult the value of force, and will always attempt a "forced" unexport of the remote object, returning true upon normal completion.

Specified by:
unexport in interface Exporter
force - ignored value (normally indicates whether or not to unexport the object in the presence of pending or in-progress calls, but this exporter does not support "unforced" unexports)
IllegalStateException - if an object has not been exported with this Exporter instance


public String toString()
Returns the string representation for this exporter.

toString in class Object
the string representation for this exporter

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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