GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API
Interface AcknowledgmentSource.Listener

Enclosing interface:

public static interface AcknowledgmentSource.Listener

A callback object for registering with an AcknowledgmentSource server context element to handle the receipt of an acknowledgment that the remote call's result data has been processed by the client.

Method Summary
 void acknowledgmentReceived(boolean received)
          Handles either receipt of an acknowledgment that the remote call's result data has been processed by the client or an indication that no acknowledgment will be received.

Method Detail


void acknowledgmentReceived(boolean received)
Handles either receipt of an acknowledgment that the remote call's result data has been processed by the client or an indication that no acknowledgment will be received.

If received is true, then a positive acknowledgment has been received that the remote call's result data has been processed by the client. If received is false, then the implementation of this interface has determined that no positive acknowledgment for the associated data will be received (perhaps due, for example, to connection failure or timeout).

received - true if an acknowledgment was received, and false if no acknowledgment will be received

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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