GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API
Interface TrustVerifier.Context

Enclosing interface:

public static interface TrustVerifier.Context

Defines the context for trust verification used by TrustVerifier instances and Security.verifyObjectTrust. A context contains an ordered list of TrustVerifier instances, a class loader, and a collection of other context objects typically provided by the caller of Security.verifyObjectTrust.


Method Summary
 Collection getCallerContext()
          Returns a collection of context objects for use by trust verifiers.
 ClassLoader getClassLoader()
          Returns the class loader that can be used as a basis for trust verification.
 boolean isTrustedObject(Object obj)
          Returns true if the specified object is trusted to correctly implement its contract; returns false otherwise.

Method Detail


boolean isTrustedObject(Object obj)
                        throws RemoteException
Returns true if the specified object is trusted to correctly implement its contract; returns false otherwise.

If the specified object is null, this method returns true. Otherwise, the isTrustedObject method of each verifier contained in this context is called (in order) with the specified object and this context. If any verifier call returns true, the object is trusted and this method returns true. If all of the verifier calls return false, this method returns false. If one or more verifier calls throw a RemoteException or SecurityException, the last such exception is thrown to the caller (unless some verifier call returns true).

obj - the object in which to verify trust
true if the specified object is trusted to correctly implements its contract; false otherwise
RemoteException - if a communication-related exception occurs
SecurityException - if a security exception occurs


ClassLoader getClassLoader()
Returns the class loader that can be used as a basis for trust verification. In particular, classes and resources reachable from this class loader can be assumed to be trustworthy. A null value is interpreted to mean the current context class loader.

the class loader that can be used as a basis for trust verification


Collection getCallerContext()
Returns a collection of context objects for use by trust verifiers. The meaning of an element in this collection is determined by its type. As a specific example, a MethodConstraints instance could be used to specify client constraints for any remote calls that trust verifiers might need to perform.

a collection of context objects for use by trust verifiers

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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