GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SecurityContext
com.sun.jini.start Provides the utilities and APIs used to launch the contributed services provided in the Jini(TM) Technology Starter Kit (starter kit). Provides mechanisms and abstractions for managing security, especially in the presence of dynamically downloaded code. Provides an interface for security policy providers capable of dynamic permission grants, an interface for security manager or policy providers that use custom security context state, and a security policy provider supporting dynamic permission grants. Defines a trust verifier to support verification of proxies that use dynamically downloaded code, implementation mechanisms to support the verification of such proxies, and an exporter for remote objects that have such proxies. 

Uses of SecurityContext in com.sun.jini.start

Methods in com.sun.jini.start that return SecurityContext
 SecurityContext AggregatePolicyProvider.getContext()
          Returns a snapshot of the current security context, which can be used to restore the context at a later time.

Uses of SecurityContext in

Methods in that return SecurityContext
static SecurityContext Security.getContext()
          Returns a snapshot of the current security context, which can be used to restore the context at a later time.

Uses of SecurityContext in

Methods in that return SecurityContext
 SecurityContext SecurityContextSource.getContext()
          Returns a snapshot of the current security context, which can be used to restore the context at a later time.

Uses of SecurityContext in

Methods in that return SecurityContext
 SecurityContext BasicUntrustedObjectSecurityContext.getContext()
          Returns a security context to use to restrict privileges when invoking methods on untrusted objects.
 SecurityContext UntrustedObjectSecurityContext.getContext()
          Returns a security context to use to restrict privileges when invoking methods on untrusted objects.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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