GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API
Interface ProxyTrustIterator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProxyTrustIterator

Defines an iterator that produces objects from which a TrustVerifier might be obtained. ProxyTrustVerifier obtains such iterators from instances of classes that have a non-static member method with signature:

ProxyTrustIterator getProxyTrustIterator();
The expectation is that each element produced by the iterator either implements ProxyTrust or might have a getProxyTrustIterator method that can be used recursively to obtain further candidates.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Method Summary
 boolean hasNext()
          Returns true if the iteration has more elements, and false otherwise.
 Object next()
          Returns the next element in the iteration.
 void setException(RemoteException e)
          Provides the iteration with a RemoteException thrown from a remote call made while attempting to obtain a TrustVerifier from the object returned by the most recent call to next.

Method Detail


boolean hasNext()
Returns true if the iteration has more elements, and false otherwise.

true if the iteration has more elements, and false otherwise


Object next()
            throws RemoteException
Returns the next element in the iteration. This method can throw an exception (other than NoSuchElementException) without terminating the iteration.

the next element in the iteration
NoSuchElementException - if the iteration has no more elements
RemoteException - if a communication-related exception occurs while producing the next element
RuntimeException - if a runtime exception occurs while producing the next element


void setException(RemoteException e)
Provides the iteration with a RemoteException thrown from a remote call made while attempting to obtain a TrustVerifier from the object returned by the most recent call to next. Setting an exception may influence which (if any) elements are subsequently produced by the iteration. (A RemoteException thrown directly by next should not be passed to this method.)

e - RemoteException thrown from a remote call
NullPointerException - if the argument is null
IllegalStateException - if next has never been called, or if this method has already been called since the most recent call to next, or if hasNext has been called since the most recent call to next, or if the most recent call to next threw a RemoteException

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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