GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Alert
org.openspaces.admin.alert Support for managing Alerts through the Admin API. 

Uses of Alert in org.openspaces.admin.alert

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.alert that return Alert
 Alert AlertFactory.create()
 Alert AlertFactory.toAlert()

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.alert with parameters of type Alert
 void AlertManager.triggerAlert(Alert alert)
          Trigger an alert event for registered alert event listeners.

Uses of Alert in org.openspaces.admin.alert.alerts

Classes in org.openspaces.admin.alert.alerts that implement Alert
 class AbstractAlert
          An abstraction over a fired alert, exposing the Alert API.
 class CpuUtilizationAlert
          A CPU Utilization alert fired upon triggered CPU thresholds.
 class ElasticGridServiceAgentProvisioningAlert
 class ElasticGridServiceContainerProvisioningAlert
 class ElasticMachineProvisioningAlert
 class GarbageCollectionAlert
          A Garbage Collection duration alert, fired upon triggered GC thresholds.
 class HeapMemoryUtilizationAlert
          A heap memory utilization alert, fired upon triggered JVM heap-memory thresholds.
 class MirrorPersistenceFailureAlert
          A Mirror persistency failure alert, triggered upon a failed replication from primary Space to Mirror Space, due to an error (e.g. a DB error).
 class PhysicalMemoryUtilizationAlert
          A physical memory utilization alert, fired upon triggered machine physical memory thresholds.
 class ProcessingUnitInstanceMemberAliveIndicatorAlert
          A processing unit instance fault-detection alert triggered when a Grid Service Manager fails to monitor a processing unit instance.
 class ProvisionFailureAlert
          A provision failure alert triggered when a processing unit has less actual instances than planned instances.
 class ReplicationChannelDisconnectedAlert
          A replication channel disconnection alert, fired upon a disconnected channel between a source (primary Space) and it's target (backup Space or Mirror).
 class ReplicationRedoLogOverflowToDiskAlert
          A replication redo-log overflow to disk alert, fired when the redo-log exceeds the defined redo-log memory capacity and overflows to disk.
 class ReplicationRedoLogSizeAlert
          A replication redo-log size alert, fired upon redo-log increase, indicating that packets are not being sent from a source Space to it's target Space (backup or mirror).

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.alert.alerts that return Alert
 Alert AbstractAlert.getAlert()
          The alert set upon construction

Constructors in org.openspaces.admin.alert.alerts with parameters of type Alert
AbstractAlert(Alert alert)
CpuUtilizationAlert(Alert alert)
ElasticGridServiceAgentProvisioningAlert(Alert alert)
ElasticGridServiceContainerProvisioningAlert(Alert alert)
ElasticMachineProvisioningAlert(Alert alert)
GarbageCollectionAlert(Alert alert)
HeapMemoryUtilizationAlert(Alert alert)
MirrorPersistenceFailureAlert(Alert alert)
PhysicalMemoryUtilizationAlert(Alert alert)
ProcessingUnitInstanceMemberAliveIndicatorAlert(Alert alert)
ProvisionFailureAlert(Alert alert)
ReplicationChannelDisconnectedAlert(Alert alert)
ReplicationRedoLogOverflowToDiskAlert(Alert alert)
ReplicationRedoLogSizeAlert(Alert alert)

Uses of Alert in

Methods in with parameters of type Alert
 void AlertTriggeredEventListener.alertTriggered(Alert alert)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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