GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use AlertStatus
org.openspaces.admin.alert Support for managing Alerts through the Admin API. 

Uses of AlertStatus in org.openspaces.admin.alert

Fields in org.openspaces.admin.alert declared as AlertStatus
static AlertStatus AlertStatus.ESCALATED
          ESCALATED is an alert status indicating that a raised alert has been escalated.
static AlertStatus AlertStatus.NA
          NA is an alert status indicating that a component for which an alert has been raised is no longer available.
static AlertStatus AlertStatus.RAISED
          RAISED is an alert status indicating an alert has been raised.
static AlertStatus AlertStatus.RESOLVED
          RESOLVED is an alert status indicating that a raised alert has been resolved.
static AlertStatus AlertStatus.SUPPRESSED
          SUPPRESSED is an alert status indicating that a raised alert has been suppressed.

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.alert that return AlertStatus
 AlertStatus Alert.getStatus()
static AlertStatus AlertStatus.parse(int value)
          Returns an AlertStatus by it's value (see getValue()).
static AlertStatus AlertStatus.parse(String name)
          Returns an AlertStatus by it's value (see getName()).

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.alert with parameters of type AlertStatus
 AlertFactory AlertFactory.status(AlertStatus status)
          Status - the status of this alert.

Uses of AlertStatus in org.openspaces.admin.alert.alerts

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.alert.alerts that return AlertStatus
 AlertStatus AbstractAlert.getStatus()

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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