GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer

Uses of CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer in org.openspaces.admin.alert.config

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.alert.config that return CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer
 CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer.enable(boolean enabled)
 CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer.measurementPeriod(long period, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Set the period of time a CPU alert should be triggered if it's reading is above/below the threshold setting.
 CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer.raiseAlertIfCpuAbove(int highThreshold)
          Raise an alert if the CPU reading is above the specified threshold for a period of time.
 CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer CpuUtilizationAlertConfigurer.resolveAlertIfCpuBelow(int lowThreshold)
          Resolve the previously raised alert if CPU is below the specified threshold for a period of time.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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