GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use BeanConfigException
org.openspaces.admin.bean Support for managing admin Beans through the Admin API. 

Uses of BeanConfigException in org.openspaces.admin.bean

Subclasses of BeanConfigException in org.openspaces.admin.bean
 class BeanConfigNotFoundException
          Exception indicating that a configuration for a bean by this name can't be found (has not been added or has been removed).
 class BeanConfigurationClassCastException
          Indicates the bean does not implement the required interfaces.
 class BeanConfigurationException
          Exception indicating that a misconfiguration occurred when initializing a bean (such as failure to set an essential property).
 class BeanInitializationException
          Exception indicating that an initialization of a bean failed.
 class EnabledBeanConfigCannotBeChangedException
          Exception indicating that a configuration for an already enabled bean can't be changed unless first disabled.

Uses of BeanConfigException in org.openspaces.grid.gsm

Methods in org.openspaces.grid.gsm that throw BeanConfigException
 void ScaleBeanServer.setElasticProperties(Map<String,String> elasticProperties)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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