GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class MemcachedDeployment

  extended by org.openspaces.admin.memcached.MemcachedDeployment

public class MemcachedDeployment
extends Object

A deployment of a pure memcached processing unit (comes built in under [GS ROOT]/deploy/templates/memcached).

See Also:
GridServiceManager.deploy(org.openspaces.admin.memcached.MemcachedDeployment), GridServiceManagers.deploy(org.openspaces.admin.memcached.MemcachedDeployment)

Constructor Summary
MemcachedDeployment(String spaceUrl)
          Constructs a new Space deployment with the space name that will be created (it will also be the processing unit name).
Method Summary
 MemcachedDeployment addZone(String zone)
          Adds a zone where the processing unit is allowed to be deployed on.
 MemcachedDeployment clusterSchema(String clusterSchema)
          Sets the cluster schema of the Space.
 String getSpaceUrl()
          Returns the Space url of the deployment.
 MemcachedDeployment maxInstancesPerMachine(int maxInstancesPerMachine)
          Sets the maximum number of instances per machine.
 MemcachedDeployment maxInstancesPerVM(int maxInstancesPerVM)
          Sets the maximum number of instances per virtual machine.
 MemcachedDeployment maxInstancesPerZone(String zone, int maxInstancesPerZone)
          Sets the maximum number of instances per zone.
 MemcachedDeployment numberOfBackups(int numberOfBackups)
          Sets the number of backups per instance of the space deployment.
 MemcachedDeployment numberOfInstances(int numberOfInstances)
          Sets the number of instances of the space deployment.
 MemcachedDeployment partitioned(int numberOfParitions, int numberOfBackups)
          A convenient method allowing to easily configure the space deployment to deploy a Partitioned topology with numberOfParitions instances each with numberOfBackups.
 MemcachedDeployment replicated(boolean async, int numberOfInstances)
          A convenient method allowing to easily configure the space deployment to deploy a replicated (either sync or async) topology with numberOfInstances instances.
 MemcachedDeployment secured(boolean secured)
          Will deploy a secured space.
 MemcachedDeployment setContextProperty(String key, String value)
          Sets a context deploy time property overriding any ${...}
 MemcachedDeployment slaLocation(File slaLocation)
          Sets an external SLA definition location to be loaded.
 MemcachedDeployment slaLocation(String slaLocation)
          Sets an external SLA definition location to be loaded.
 ProcessingUnitDeployment toProcessingUnitDeployment()
          Transforms the space deployment to a processing unit deployment (it is a processing unit after all, that simply starts an embedded space).
 MemcachedDeployment userDetails(String userName, String password)
          Sets the username and password (effectively making the processing unit secured) for the processing unit deployment.
 MemcachedDeployment userDetails(UserDetails userDetails)
          Advance: Sets the security user details for authentication and autherization of the processing unit.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MemcachedDeployment(String spaceUrl)
Constructs a new Space deployment with the space name that will be created (it will also be the processing unit name).

Method Detail


public String getSpaceUrl()
Returns the Space url of the deployment.


public MemcachedDeployment partitioned(int numberOfParitions,
                                       int numberOfBackups)
A convenient method allowing to easily configure the space deployment to deploy a Partitioned topology with numberOfParitions instances each with numberOfBackups.

Exactly the same like calling clusterSchema("partitioned-sync2backup"), followed by numberOfInstances(numberOfParitions) and numberOfBackups(numberOfBackups).

numberOfParitions - The number of partitions
numberOfBackups - The number of backups
This space deployment


public MemcachedDeployment replicated(boolean async,
                                      int numberOfInstances)
A convenient method allowing to easily configure the space deployment to deploy a replicated (either sync or async) topology with numberOfInstances instances.

Exactly the same like calling clusterSchema("sync_replicated") or clusterSchema("async_replicated"), followed by numberOfInstances(numberOfInstances) and numberOfBackups(0).

numberOfInstances - The number of instances to form the replicated space
This space deployment


public MemcachedDeployment clusterSchema(String clusterSchema)
Sets the cluster schema of the Space.

See Also:
partitioned(int, int)


public MemcachedDeployment numberOfInstances(int numberOfInstances)
Sets the number of instances of the space deployment.


public MemcachedDeployment numberOfBackups(int numberOfBackups)
Sets the number of backups per instance of the space deployment.


public MemcachedDeployment maxInstancesPerVM(int maxInstancesPerVM)
Sets the maximum number of instances per virtual machine.

On partitioned topology with backups topology, controls that a primary and a backup won't run on the same virtual machine if set to 1.

On a non partitioned with backups topology, controls the maximum number of instances running on the same virtual machine.


public MemcachedDeployment maxInstancesPerMachine(int maxInstancesPerMachine)
Sets the maximum number of instances per machine.

On partitioned topology with backups topology, controls that a primary and a backup won't run on the same machine if set to 1.

On a non partitioned with backups topology, controls the maximum number of instances running on the same machine.


public MemcachedDeployment maxInstancesPerZone(String zone,
                                               int maxInstancesPerZone)
Sets the maximum number of instances per zone.

On partitioned topology with backups topology, controls that a primary and a backup won't run on the same zone if set to 1. Note, for each zone this will have to be set.

On a non partitioned with backups topology, controls the maximum number of instances running on the same zone.


public MemcachedDeployment addZone(String zone)
Adds a zone where the processing unit is allowed to be deployed on.


public MemcachedDeployment setContextProperty(String key,
                                              String value)
Sets a context deploy time property overriding any ${...} defined within a processing unit configuration.


public MemcachedDeployment secured(boolean secured)
Will deploy a secured space. Note, by setting user details the space will be secured automatically.


public MemcachedDeployment userDetails(UserDetails userDetails)
Advance: Sets the security user details for authentication and autherization of the processing unit.


public MemcachedDeployment userDetails(String userName,
                                       String password)
Sets the username and password (effectively making the processing unit secured) for the processing unit deployment.


public MemcachedDeployment slaLocation(String slaLocation)
Sets an external SLA definition location to be loaded.


public MemcachedDeployment slaLocation(File slaLocation)
Sets an external SLA definition location to be loaded.


public ProcessingUnitDeployment toProcessingUnitDeployment()
Transforms the space deployment to a processing unit deployment (it is a processing unit after all, that simply starts an embedded space).

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.