GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface VirtualMachines

All Superinterfaces:
AdminAware, Iterable<VirtualMachine>, StatisticsMonitor

public interface VirtualMachines
extends AdminAware, Iterable<VirtualMachine>, StatisticsMonitor

Virtual Machines hold all the different VirtualMachines that are currently discovered.

Provides simple means to get all the current virtual machines, as well as as registering for virtual machine lifecycle (added and removed) events.

Provides the ability to start a statistics monitor on all current virtual machines using StatisticsMonitor.startStatisticsMonitor(). Newly discovered virtual machines will automatically use the statistics monitor as well.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.StatisticsMonitor
Method Summary
 void addLifecycleListener(VirtualMachineLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
          Allows to add a VirtualMachineLifecycleEventListener.
 VirtualMachinesDetails getDetails()
          Returns the aggregated details of all virtual machines.
 int getSize()
          Returns the number of virtual machines current discovered.
 VirtualMachinesStatistics getStatistics()
          Returns the aggregated statistics of all virtual machines.
 VirtualMachinesStatisticsChangedEventManager getStatisticsChanged()
          Returns a virtual machines statistics change event manager allowing to register for events of VirtualMachinesStatisticsChangedEvent.
 Map<String,VirtualMachine> getUids()
          Returns a map of virtual machines with the key as the uid.
 VirtualMachineAddedEventManager getVirtualMachineAdded()
          Returns the virtual machine added event manager allowing to add and remove VirtualMachineAddedEventListeners.
 VirtualMachine getVirtualMachineByUID(String uid)
          Return a virtual machine by its uid.
 VirtualMachineRemovedEventManager getVirtualMachineRemoved()
          Returns the virtual machine removed event manager allowing to add and remove VirtualMachineRemovedEventListeners.
 VirtualMachine[] getVirtualMachines()
          Returns the currently discovered virtual machines.
 VirtualMachineStatisticsChangedEventManager getVirtualMachineStatisticsChanged()
          Returns a virtual machine statistics change event manger allowing to register for events of VirtualMachineStatisticsChangedEvent.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns true if there are no virtual machines, false otherwise.
 void removeLifecycleListener(VirtualMachineLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
          Allows to remove a VirtualMachineLifecycleEventListener.
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.AdminAware
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.StatisticsMonitor
isMonitoring, setStatisticsHistorySize, setStatisticsInterval, startStatisticsMonitor, stopStatisticsMonitor

Method Detail


VirtualMachine[] getVirtualMachines()
Returns the currently discovered virtual machines.


VirtualMachinesDetails getDetails()
Returns the aggregated details of all virtual machines.


VirtualMachinesStatistics getStatistics()
Returns the aggregated statistics of all virtual machines.


VirtualMachine getVirtualMachineByUID(String uid)
Return a virtual machine by its uid.


Map<String,VirtualMachine> getUids()
Returns a map of virtual machines with the key as the uid.


int getSize()
Returns the number of virtual machines current discovered.


boolean isEmpty()
Returns true if there are no virtual machines, false otherwise.


VirtualMachineAddedEventManager getVirtualMachineAdded()
Returns the virtual machine added event manager allowing to add and remove VirtualMachineAddedEventListeners.


VirtualMachineRemovedEventManager getVirtualMachineRemoved()
Returns the virtual machine removed event manager allowing to add and remove VirtualMachineRemovedEventListeners.


void addLifecycleListener(VirtualMachineLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
Allows to add a VirtualMachineLifecycleEventListener.


void removeLifecycleListener(VirtualMachineLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
Allows to remove a VirtualMachineLifecycleEventListener.


VirtualMachinesStatisticsChangedEventManager getStatisticsChanged()
Returns a virtual machines statistics change event manager allowing to register for events of VirtualMachinesStatisticsChangedEvent.

Note, in order to receive events, the virtual machines need to be in a "statistics" monitored state.


VirtualMachineStatisticsChangedEventManager getVirtualMachineStatisticsChanged()
Returns a virtual machine statistics change event manger allowing to register for events of VirtualMachineStatisticsChangedEvent.

Note, in order to receive events, the virtual machines need to be in a "statistics" monitored state.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.