GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Package org.openspaces.core.executor

Interface Summary
AutowireTaskMarker A marker interface enabling a task to be autowired with resources defined within the processing unit.
DistributedTask<T extends Serializable,R> A distributed task is a Task that is executed on several space nodes, requiring to AsyncResultsReducer.reduce(java.util.List) the list of AsyncResults.
Task<T extends Serializable> A task executed on a space node (processing unit) that returns a result and may throw an exception.
TaskGigaSpaceAware Task can implement this method to be injected with the Space they are executed on.
TaskRoutingProvider Controls the Task routing.

Class Summary

Annotation Types Summary
AutowireTask A marker annotation enabling a task to be autowired with resources defined within the processing unit.
TaskGigaSpace Annotation marking a field of type GigaSpace allowing for Task to be injected with the space it is executed on.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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