GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API
Class LockManager

  extended by

public class LockManager
extends Object

The lock manager is built on top of IMap and supports the ability to lock and unlock certain keys within the map.


Field Summary
static Object EMPTY_LOCK_VALUE
          A empty lock value written to indicate a lock when there is no value to lock on (i.e. calling lock on a key where there is no value in the cache).
Constructor Summary
LockManager(IMap map)
          Creates a new Lock Manager based on the IMap.
Method Summary
static boolean isEmptyLockValue(Object value)
 boolean islocked(Object key)
          Returns true if the given key is locked.
 LockHandle lock(Object key, long lockTimeToLive, long timeoutWaitingForLock)
          Locks the given key for any updates.
 void putAndUnlock(Object key, Object value)
          Unlocks the given key and puts the given value in a single operation.
 void unlock(Object key)
          Unlocks the given lock on the key
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Object EMPTY_LOCK_VALUE
A empty lock value written to indicate a lock when there is no value to lock on (i.e. calling lock on a key where there is no value in the cache).

Constructor Detail


public LockManager(IMap map)
Creates a new Lock Manager based on the IMap.

Method Detail


public static boolean isEmptyLockValue(Object value)


public LockHandle lock(Object key,
                       long lockTimeToLive,
                       long timeoutWaitingForLock)
Locks the given key for any updates. Retruns a LockHandle that can be used to perform specific updates under the same lock (by using the transaction object stored within it).

Might create an empty value if there is no value in order to lock on. The empty value can be checked using isEmptyLockValue(Object).

key - The key to lock
lockTimeToLive - The lock time to live (in milliseconds)
timeoutWaitingForLock - The time to wait for an already locked lock
LockHandle that can be used to perfrom operations under the given lock


public void putAndUnlock(Object key,
                         Object value)
Unlocks the given key and puts the given value in a single operation.

key - The key to unlock and put the value in
value - The value to put after unlocking the key


public boolean islocked(Object key)
Returns true if the given key is locked. Otherwise returns false.

key - The key to check if it locked or not.
true if the given key is locked or not.


public void unlock(Object key)
Unlocks the given lock on the key

key - The key to unlock

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.