GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API


A package exposing Space mode (primary/backup) events through Spring application event support.


Interface Summary
RefreshableContextLoader A generic interface allowing to refresh context loader.
SpaceAfterBackupListener Enables beans implementing this interface to get notified after a space changes its mode to SpaceMode.BACKUP.
SpaceAfterPrimaryListener Enables beans implementing this interface to get notified after a space changes its mode to SpaceMode.PRIMARY.
SpaceBeforeBackupListener Enables beans implementing this interface to get notified before a space changes its mode to SpaceMode.BACKUP.
SpaceBeforePrimaryListener Enables beans implementing this interface to get notified before a space changes its mode to SpaceMode.PRIMARY.

Class Summary
AbstractSpaceModeChangeEvent Base class for different space mode events.
AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent A Space mode event that is raised after the space mode was changed to the space mode reflected in this event.
BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent A Space mode event that is raised before the space mode is changed to the space mode reflected in this event.
RefreshContextLoaderExecutor Executes the refresh context mode operation using OpenSpaces sync remoting (allowing to use broadcast mode).
RefreshSpaceModeContextLoader Extension to SpaceModeContextLoader allowing for the context loader to be refreshable and load new code.
SpaceModeContextLoader A Space mode based Spring context loader allows to load Spring application context if the Space is in PRIMARY mode.

Annotation Types Summary
PostBackup Allows a bean's method to be invoked after a space changes its mode to SpaceMode.BACKUP.
PostPrimary Allows a bean's method to be invoked after a space changes its mode to SpaceMode.PRIMARY.
PreBackup Allows a bean's method to be invoked before a space changes its mode to SpaceMode.BACKUP.
PrePrimary Allows a bean's method to be invoked before a space changes its mode to SpaceMode.PRIMARY.

Package Description

A package exposing Space mode (primary/backup) events through Spring application event support. Includes a simple mode Spring context loader allowing to load a Spring application context only when the Space is primary, and unload it when it is backup.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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