GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class ShortHelper

  extended by org.openspaces.core.util.numbers.ShortHelper
All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparator<Number>, NumberHelper<Short>

public class ShortHelper
extends Object
implements NumberHelper<Short>


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Short add(Number lhs, Number rhs)
          Adds the two numbers (can be of any Number type) and returns the type result that the number helper handles.
 Short cast(Number n)
          Casts the give Number into the type the number helper handles.
 int compare(Number lhs, Number rhs)
 Short div(Number lhs, Number rhs)
          Divides the two numbers (can be of any Number type) and returns the type result that the number helper handles.
 Short MAX_VALUE()
          Returns the maximum number for the specific type the number helper handles.
 Short MIN_VALUE()
          Returns the minimum number for the specific type the number helper handles.
 Short mult(Number lhs, Number rhs)
          Multiplies the two numbers (can be of any Number type) and returns the type result that the number helper handles.
 Short ONE()
          Returns the "ONE" value for the given type.
 Short sub(Number lhs, Number rhs)
          Substracts the two numbers (can be of any Number type) and returns the type result that the number helper handles.
 Short ZERO()
          Returns the "ZERO" value for the given type.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Comparator

Constructor Detail


public ShortHelper()
Method Detail


public int compare(Number lhs,
                   Number rhs)
Specified by:
compare in interface Comparator<Number>


public Short add(Number lhs,
                 Number rhs)
Description copied from interface: NumberHelper
Adds the two numbers (can be of any Number type) and returns the type result that the number helper handles.

Specified by:
add in interface NumberHelper<Short>


public Short sub(Number lhs,
                 Number rhs)
Description copied from interface: NumberHelper
Substracts the two numbers (can be of any Number type) and returns the type result that the number helper handles.

Specified by:
sub in interface NumberHelper<Short>


public Short mult(Number lhs,
                  Number rhs)
Description copied from interface: NumberHelper
Multiplies the two numbers (can be of any Number type) and returns the type result that the number helper handles.

Specified by:
mult in interface NumberHelper<Short>


public Short div(Number lhs,
                 Number rhs)
Description copied from interface: NumberHelper
Divides the two numbers (can be of any Number type) and returns the type result that the number helper handles.

Specified by:
div in interface NumberHelper<Short>


public Short MAX_VALUE()
Description copied from interface: NumberHelper
Returns the maximum number for the specific type the number helper handles.

Specified by:
MAX_VALUE in interface NumberHelper<Short>


public Short MIN_VALUE()
Description copied from interface: NumberHelper
Returns the minimum number for the specific type the number helper handles.

Specified by:
MIN_VALUE in interface NumberHelper<Short>


public Short ONE()
Description copied from interface: NumberHelper
Returns the "ONE" value for the given type.

Specified by:
ONE in interface NumberHelper<Short>


public Short ZERO()
Description copied from interface: NumberHelper
Returns the "ZERO" value for the given type.

Specified by:
ZERO in interface NumberHelper<Short>


public Short cast(Number n)
Description copied from interface: NumberHelper
Casts the give Number into the type the number helper handles.

Specified by:
cast in interface NumberHelper<Short>

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.