GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API
Annotation Type NotifyBatch

public @interface NotifyBatch

Enables batching of notifications. Requires setting size() and time() which control when the batched notifications will be sent to the listener.


Required Element Summary
 int size
          The batch size controls the number of notifications that will be batched before they are sent.
 int time
          The batch time controls the elapsed time until the batch buffer is cleared and sent.
Optional Element Summary
 boolean passArrayAsIs
          When batching is turned on, should the batch of events be passed as an Object[] to the listener.

Element Detail


public abstract int size
The batch size controls the number of notifications that will be batched before they are sent.


public abstract int time
The batch time controls the elapsed time until the batch buffer is cleared and sent. The time is in milliseconds.


public abstract boolean passArrayAsIs
When batching is turned on, should the batch of events be passed as an Object[] to the listener. Default to false which means it will be passed one event at a time.


GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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