GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class AbstractScrollableDataIterator

  extended by org.openspaces.persistency.hibernate.iterator.AbstractScrollableDataIterator
All Implemented Interfaces:
DataIterator, Iterator
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultScrollableDataIterator, StatelessScrollableDataIterator

public abstract class AbstractScrollableDataIterator
extends Object
implements DataIterator

A base class for scrollable result set (ScrollableResults created based on either an entity name or a SQLQuery. Also allows for a "from" and "size" to be provided, in this case, it will iterate from the given index till "size" results.


Field Summary
protected  String entityName
protected  int fetchSize
protected  int from
protected  String hQuery
protected  boolean perfromOrderById
protected  org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory
protected  int size
protected  SQLQuery sqlQuery
Constructor Summary
AbstractScrollableDataIterator(SQLQuery sqlQuery, org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory, int fetchSize, boolean performOrderById)
          Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given GigaSpaces SQLQuery.
AbstractScrollableDataIterator(SQLQuery sqlQuery, org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory, int fetchSize, boolean performOrderById, int from, int size)
          Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given GigaSpaces SQLQuery.
AbstractScrollableDataIterator(String hQuery, org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory, int fetchSize)
          Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given hibernate query string.
AbstractScrollableDataIterator(String entityName, org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory, int fetchSize, boolean performOrderById)
          Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given entity name.
AbstractScrollableDataIterator(String entityName, org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory, int fetchSize, boolean performOrderById, int from, int size)
          Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given entity name.
AbstractScrollableDataIterator(String hQuery, org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory, int fetchSize, int from, int size)
          Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given hibernate query string.
Method Summary
protected abstract  void clear()
 void close()
          Clean up after any resources associated with this iterator The iterator can be closed even if the iterator wasn't iterated over all of its elements.
protected abstract  org.hibernate.ScrollableResults createCursor()
protected abstract  void doClose()
 boolean hasNext()
 Object next()
 void remove()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final String entityName


protected final SQLQuery sqlQuery


protected final String hQuery


protected final org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory


protected final boolean perfromOrderById


protected final int fetchSize


protected final int from


protected final int size
Constructor Detail


public AbstractScrollableDataIterator(String entityName,
                                      org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                      int fetchSize,
                                      boolean performOrderById)
Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given entity name.

entityName - The entity name to scroll over
sessionFactory - The session factory to use to construct the session
fetchSize - The fetch size of the scrollabale result set
performOrderById - Should the query perform order by id or not


public AbstractScrollableDataIterator(String entityName,
                                      org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                      int fetchSize,
                                      boolean performOrderById,
                                      int from,
                                      int size)
Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given entity name.

entityName - The entity name to scroll over
sessionFactory - The session factory to use to constrcut the session
fetchSize - The fetch size of the scrollable result set
performOrderById - Should the query perform order by id or not
from - The from index to scroll from
size - The size of data to scroll to


public AbstractScrollableDataIterator(String hQuery,
                                      org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                      int fetchSize)
Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given hibernate query string.

hQuery - The hiberante query string to scroll over
sessionFactory - The session factory to use to construct the session
fetchSize - The fetch size of the scrollable result set


public AbstractScrollableDataIterator(String hQuery,
                                      org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                      int fetchSize,
                                      int from,
                                      int size)
Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given hibernate query string.

hQuery - The hiberante query string to scroll over
sessionFactory - The session factory to use to construct the session
fetchSize - The fetch size of the scrollable result set
from - The from index to scroll from
size - The size of data to scroll to


public AbstractScrollableDataIterator(SQLQuery sqlQuery,
                                      org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                      int fetchSize,
                                      boolean performOrderById)
Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given GigaSpaces SQLQuery.

sqlQuery - The SQLQuery to scroll over
sessionFactory - The session factory to use to construct the session
fetchSize - The fetch size of the scrollabale result set
performOrderById - Should the query perform order by id or not


public AbstractScrollableDataIterator(SQLQuery sqlQuery,
                                      org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                      int fetchSize,
                                      boolean performOrderById,
                                      int from,
                                      int size)
Constructs a scrollable iterator over the given GigaSpaces SQLQuery.

sqlQuery - The SQLQuery to scroll over
sessionFactory - The session factory to use to construct the session
fetchSize - The fetch size of the scrollable result set
performOrderById - Should the query perform order by id or not
from - The from index to scroll from
size - The size of data to scroll to
Method Detail


public boolean hasNext()
Specified by:
hasNext in interface Iterator


public Object next()
Specified by:
next in interface Iterator


public void remove()
Specified by:
remove in interface Iterator


public void close()
Description copied from interface: DataIterator
Clean up after any resources associated with this iterator The iterator can be closed even if the iterator wasn't iterated over all of its elements.

Specified by:
close in interface DataIterator


protected abstract void doClose()


protected abstract void clear()


protected abstract org.hibernate.ScrollableResults createCursor()

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.